Gauth1erN t1_je2l8g6 wrote
Well, what it the propulsion method? Because with hydrogen and water+heat as exaust I'm only aware of hydroLox chemical reaction.
Which is used since 60 years to propel rockets and experimental military jets. So what is revolutionary in this?
Weareallgoo t1_je3ujjb wrote
Neither the aircraft manufacturer, nor the engine supplier are clear about the hypersonic engine the plan to build. It seems they’re still in the very early stages of R&D with plans to modify an existing jet engine to burn hydrogen at subsonic speeds. They also still need to design a cryogenic storage system for the liquid hydrogen. They are not using a rocket propellant.
Gauth1erN t1_je4d0t3 wrote
Hydrogen is a rocket propellant...
Weareallgoo t1_je4xpe8 wrote
I should have said I don’t think they are planing to develop a rocket engine based on the press release I’ve read. But then, it also doesn’t sound like they even have a concept design yet, so maybe they will just end up with a rocket engine if they actually want to go hypersonic.
DonQuixBalls t1_je879ai wrote
So is propane, but not when it's used in a BBQ.
AloofPenny t1_je34f1g wrote
It’s revolutionary when it hits the private sector, like microwaves
[deleted] t1_je4b6bs wrote
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