manineedalife t1_jasitak wrote
Oh this isnt going to be used to determine if its "worth" the insurance companies time/money to keep you alive... nope not at all.
FuturologyBot t1_jaslppo wrote
The following submission statement was provided by /u/Gari_305:
From the Article
>Scientists from the University of British Columbia and BC Cancer have developed a new AI that can accurately predict how long a cancer patient will live, just by reading a doctor’s notes.
>According to their findings, published this week in peer-reviewed journal JAMA Network Open, the AI model was able to forecast whether patients would survive another six months, 36 months or 60 months with more than 80 per cent accuracy.
>After following up on the patients at regular intervals after the initial test, the robot was correct in predicting when people had less than six months to live 86 per cent of the time, when patients would die within 36 months 84 per cent of the time, and when patients had less than 60 months to live 84 per cent of the time.
Please reply to OP's comment here:
Tx_Drewdad t1_jat1vld wrote
Just plot current diagnosis against net worth and income...
unlimited_mcgyver t1_javyuqf wrote
Yep fuck this world
Parafault t1_jawipn1 wrote
I worry that with 80% accuracy, it may be condemning the remaining 20% to an unnecessary death.
Dutch1954 t1_jawyfn4 wrote
I'll never understand why someone would want to know when they're going to die.
OldMansPissBag t1_jaycl7t wrote
Why would they do that? Even now, most private health insurance policies cover palliative and/or hospice care. I'm not sure how the ability to predict mortality with better precision would change that.
OpenSeaworthiness940 t1_jayf42n wrote
We don't have insurance companies in BC, so... Sucks to be american I guess :(
GregoryBichkov t1_jazmk6f wrote
Maybe you don't want to understand. People who say they can never understand someone usually just don't even try to understand because its way easier to say i just don't understand, plus trying to understand someone else's opinion which disagrees with yours is just too mentally uncomfortable, that also adds to the biased "I'll never understand"
[deleted] t1_jb0jgjv wrote
Gari_305 OP t1_jasg6bh wrote
From the Article
>Scientists from the University of British Columbia and BC Cancer have developed a new AI that can accurately predict how long a cancer patient will live, just by reading a doctor’s notes.
>According to their findings, published this week in peer-reviewed journal JAMA Network Open, the AI model was able to forecast whether patients would survive another six months, 36 months or 60 months with more than 80 per cent accuracy.
>After following up on the patients at regular intervals after the initial test, the robot was correct in predicting when people had less than six months to live 86 per cent of the time, when patients would die within 36 months 84 per cent of the time, and when patients had less than 60 months to live 84 per cent of the time.