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stupidcasey t1_jecis5i wrote

Huh, coming in with no knowledge of what OP said, and yet I’m not confused at all… it’s almost like people regurgitate, political, talking points.


SlurpinAnalGravy t1_jeckzzs wrote

You should probably read his comments then. πŸ‘‰πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘‰


Jackal427 t1_jecr2x6 wrote

You should probably read the article.


SlurpinAnalGravy t1_jecykof wrote

The Secretary of the Interior reports to Congress buddy.


Jackal427 t1_jed1j1s wrote


> The department is headed by the secretary of the interior, who reports directly to the president of the United States and is a member of the president's Cabinet.


SlurpinAnalGravy t1_jed6qd0 wrote

The BLM is required to provide regular reports to Congress on its activities, budget, and performance, as well as to respond to requests for information or testimony from congressional committees. Congress also has the power to authorize and appropriate funds for the BLM's operations and programs, and to conduct oversight and investigations of the agency's activities.


Former-Lack-7117 t1_jeec9h3 wrote

All that means is that the BLM has to inform congress of their activities etc., and congress can use the power of the purse to deny them funds to act as a check on their power if they don't like what they're doing. But they are told what to do by the executive branch.