Submitted by leosouza85 t3_127lpry in Futurology
Submitted by leosouza85 t3_127lpry in Futurology
There is a reason why the Glass could be useful - it helps to cook food to perfection and prevents servers from making mistakes or forgetting orders. This leads to fewer returns, increased customer satisfaction, and ultimately higher profits.
How much do you think it's going to cost to implement? This tech is going to be able to run on smart phones. If they can lower wages by only $5 per hour by hiring someone less skilled but able to be equally efficient by using new tech, the break even point after one year is about $10k.
AI will creep into all jobs like water finding a way through cracks. It will happen and not be stoppable.
The jobs that are entirely done via a computer keyboard are easiest to target -- less engineering involved.
The potential for AI is much greater than human potential.
Everything is costly on launch but eventually will have massive adoption. But I think an do all robot will never be cheap, because the complexity, the materials, maintenance, contingency plan. I think the future is well equiped humans.
There will be a huge impact on the the 'fake it til you make it' people. If you have real skills and real knowledge you should be safe. If you Google new terms you hear and pretend to be experts on them at the next meeting, then you will be toast.
What is the monetary benefit of a server not forgetting an order? I'd argue that it happens so rarely that the benefit is close to zero. Glass is not going to make your server move faster or be able to cover more tables.
Similar with the cooking, cooking is much more about the feel (how hard is the meat, pasta etc.) rather than visuals. Cook times vary depending on bunch of factors, no two pieces are exactly identical.
These jobs are much more dependent on physical factors rather than mental, I don't think that AI can do much to improve productivity.
These are already the lowest paid jobs, it's not like you'll be able to lower wages. I question how AI will increase the productivity of the jobs that are largely dependent on manual labour. It's not going to make the food cook faster, it's not going to make the server run and cover more tables, it's not going to make the construction worker put in nails or lay the flooring faster.
So the only benefits would the to be able to hire less skilled workers, but there is more to work than just knowing how to do a job. You need hand-eye coordination, you need physical strength etc. So there are other factors limiting the labour pool and pushing up the wages, not just mental factors.
Some creativity needed here. Glass could help server see which tables have been waited and when they last ordered. Chefs could see incoming orders and see the time when it came in. Algorithms could help with suggestions on what activity to do next for max efficiency etc.
I would argue AR would effectively be able to be more productive and faster with minimal effort. Once form factors are fixed at least
You have plenty of chefs working in massive kitchens serving huge amounts of people (cruise ships, hotels, …)
I believe you don't visit restaurants frequently enough to realize that errors are uncommon.
How about the monetary benefits of reduced liability because you can watch your chefs and make sure they are following food safety rules. I've done 3rd party mock health inspections of restaurants and when it gets busy and the new guy, for a real example, then forgets that you can't use the same sink of running water to thaw shellfish and fin fish as this would allow cross-contamination between two major allergens. There's already a lot of real time digital monitoring of kitchen worker's performance in some major chains. Like I can't get them to stop what they are doing so I can open the check the temp of the chill drawer in front of them. They just can't afford to lose the time in preparing your order. Honestly with computer vision and robot dexterity where it's at it doesn't seem like we're too far away from robochefs that can make meals. It won't be able to make everything but it will be able to replace a lot of labor and that will incentivize restaurants to use them and to develop menus that are more robo-friendly.
Hi, leosouza85. Thanks for contributing. However, your submission was removed from /r/Futurology.
> > The rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation has generated concerns about job loss across various sectors. However, these technologies also present an opportunity to improve productivity and create new job opportunities. This text will explore how different collar color jobs can adapt and prosper in the AI-driven future. > > White and Yellow Collar Jobs: > > For intellectual jobs such as white and yellow collar professions, the human touch remains indispensable. As corporations adopt AI for increased efficiency, there will be a growing need for employees who can facilitate communication and maintain relationships between the corporation and its clients. This surge in productivity will also lead to more projects and an expanded client base, creating new job opportunities. > > Furthermore, AI can be leveraged to improve the quality and personalization of services. Professionals in these fields will need to continually update their skills and knowledge to stay relevant and maximize the benefits of AI integration. > > Blue and Grey Collar Jobs: > > Manual labor jobs, such as blue and grey collar positions, can also benefit from AI and technology advancements. While humanoid robots with intricate components, like hands, may be costly, other technological innovations can support workers in various industries. > > For instance, augmented reality (AR) glasses can help workers access real-time information without needing to memorize or make notations. This technology can improve efficiency by reducing the risk of errors and confusion in tasks like cooking or remembering orders. > > Moreover, AI-enhanced tools can help workers and contractors complete tasks more quickly and effectively. These tools, which are often more affordable than fully automated robots, can be used by human workers to optimize their performance. By embracing these innovations, manual laborers can increase their value in the workforce and secure their positions. > > Red Collar Jobs: > > Red collar workers, who are typically involved in emergency services, also have a unique opportunity to benefit from AI and technology. While AI can assist with data analysis and decision-making, the human factor remains crucial in high-pressure situations that require empathy, intuition, and adaptability. By integrating AI into their roles, red collar workers can enhance their capabilities and better serve their communities. > > ​ > > The AI revolution presents both challenges and opportunities for various collar color jobs. By focusing on the unique strengths of human workers and embracing the potential of AI and technology, professionals in white, yellow, blue, grey, and red collar jobs can adapt and thrive in the evolving job market. The key lies in recognizing the complementary nature of human skills and AI, and leveraging this synergy to maximize productivity and job satisfaction.
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vwb2022 t1_jeen7gm wrote
I am not sure that AI will have as much impact on jobs as people believe. The simple reason is that the cost of implementing AI in most cases is not worth the benefits. Cooking is listed here as an example, where AR glasses are supposed to help cooks and servers. Well, they seem to be doing fine without AR/AI helping them, so why incur the cost and complexity of implementing something to marginally increase productivity of a low wage worker.
I suspect this will be the case in most occupations, the cost and complexity of AI implementation will only make it viable for high wage jobs, otherwise it's just not worth it.