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Gubekochi t1_jducky7 wrote

Look up Yamanaka factors. Cells can be deaged.


TheRappingSquid OP t1_jdys2n2 wrote

I did, they are interesting :o I hope that goes somewhere, if not just to quell my fear of mortality '>->


Gubekochi t1_jdzs2lz wrote

It is currently being studied by Dr. David Sinclair and showing great promises.


TheRappingSquid OP t1_je2qe74 wrote

I've looked at that, and while I want to he optimistic, some of the information given there seems to be a bit vague. Like, all cards on the table, the mouse rejuvenation shit is IMPRESSIVE. But it doesn't seem like there's a whole lot of actual info being given about it, rather instead it seems there's information being given on the benefits of it. Also, how far along is that really? Because I've seen many of the same information recycled in different articles over the span of a few years-. I'll gladly believe it if I see anything else about it, but when it comes to fields such as gene therapy/rejuvenation for an extended health span, or space travel, or bionic arms, I feel like it's easy to get swept up in the hype of it rather than actually understanding it. Personally, I'm the type to fully believe that all that fun scifi shit can be real- maybe even soon, but I wanna make sure I have my facts straight too.


Gubekochi t1_je2s805 wrote

Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.