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Sockbottom69 t1_jd0wnm9 wrote

"He got a electric car a few years early"

Do you mean he started an electric car company that everyone thought that would would have no chance of succeeding and turned it into the most valuable car company in the world?

You don't think him starting SpaceX was a great thing? Another feat no one believed would work?


Zeustitandog t1_jd154pw wrote

I do believe him starting space x was a bad thing actually good by technicalities

If we had given the money we gave to space x to NASA years earlier instead of starting up a space company we could of done something new not just doing the same thing but a new person doing it omg


MT_Kinetic_Mountain t1_jd24yyr wrote

Everytime the government gives NASA money, the wrap it up in a bunch of conditions that effectively hampers any real work they can do. Think about how much money they wasted on SLS for it to basically be an old rehash using old engines and providing no real benefit. Even nasa acknowledges how much of a success the commercial program has been. They no longer have to fork over huge sums of money to Russia just for access to the ISS. SpaceX proved that Old Space was holding things back.

Curb your Elon hate boner and acknowledge these amazing people and their amazing achievements


Zeustitandog t1_jd2kvo4 wrote

And half of these problems are literally being solved in your own comment

If the only issue is money

And we’re giving billions to a new player


Maybe the money going to old player

Would do more omg

NASA has asked for a new rocket for decades and the government hasn’t paid in

Your love boner for Elon has ignored the fact even NASA admitted if they kept their budget from the 60s we coulda had men on the moon 24/7 along with possible asteroid visits in the 2020s aka this decade

Your the one who won’t realize starting space over and over is dumb

Half of the rocket tech in space x ain’t even new their using old ideas with tens of billions to make new ones


Almost like someone else coulda done that for the public


Jaker788 t1_jd2oqgm wrote

NASA has been given billions for a new rocket. It's called the SLS. That was the cheap option. Building a new rocket through the many private contractors that actually build it would have been a never ending nightmare.

SpaceX has made rocket engines more powerful and more advanced than any organization has done before. The Raptor is by far more than NASA would've gone for because those other companies would've said it's too hard.

I think you fail to realize how difficult it all is. More money to NASA wouldn't solve anything right now, we wouldn't be getting a new rocket, NASA doesn't even want a new rocket to maintain. They like having a private contractor with their own complete rocket with everything handled on their end, and NASA simply paying for a launch. SpaceX is the biggest reason and the biggest advocate of fixed price contracts compared to the old companies like Boeing and their failed Starliner still wanting cost+, that's another win for NASA and space progress as well


Zeustitandog t1_jd3lwsw wrote

Honestly arguing with you is pointless at this point

You keep saying what I’m saying

Then saying and that’s why space x is good

The reasons space x are good are why NASA is bad

It would be pretty damn simple to change NASA those ways but there was no arguable reason to because of the issues you mentioned

Until now when other companies saw the chance to get in on a government contract

I’m stupid in a lot of things but not reading comprehension

You on the other hand

Might not be stupid in a lot of things but definitely are reading comprehension

And if you can’t understand what you read I doubt you’d be able to do anything


MT_Kinetic_Mountain t1_jd2q4vs wrote

Yeah, I don't think I'm going to bother to respond since its clear that you're completely ignorant on this.

Check out Eric Berger's Lift Off. He's a very competent space reporter and he wrote this book detailing the early exploits of SpaceX. It's definitely worth a read and really puts into frame what SpaceX have achieved here. And no it's not a love letter to Elon. It's got genuine recounts from the early employees of the company.

In your first reply to my comment, you'd suggested that you might be "stupid tho". I can't confirm anything for sure, but there is a chance you might be. Good luck with that. :)


Zeustitandog t1_jd3l53i wrote

I’d probably take NASA scientist and other government space agencies workers then a dude talking about the company he has investment in

Also what drugs were you on I need a few kids like that you went from nice and competent to idiot you need your pills m8


MT_Kinetic_Mountain t1_jd4gvbb wrote

Bro, you brought your negative ass attitude and reformer mindset into my comment about the the hopes for the future of space. Literally trying to make SpaceX seem worthless on a post about its success. I was being nice at first. I told you Idgaf about Elon anymore, only SpaceX and you doubled down with whatever repetitive Elon put downs twitter regularly likes to spout.

If you want content like that, go to r/enoughmuskspam

You might actually like the content there, despite their name making absolutely no sense


Zeustitandog t1_jd4hf87 wrote

Damn why so negative

I said the money shoulda been in NASA

You get this pissy

Talking about negative when you acting like this


Sockbottom69 t1_jd1eg2w wrote

Uhh SpaceX did do something new, they made reusable rockets which makes sending payloads to space waayyy cheaper and waayyy faster