Zeustitandog t1_jd3lwsw wrote
Reply to comment by Jaker788 in 10 months after its launch by SpaceX, a $10,000 satellite made by students with off-the-shelf materials and powered by 48 Energizer AA batteries, is not only working, it's demonstrating a way to reduce space junk by lughnasadh
Honestly arguing with you is pointless at this point
You keep saying what I’m saying
Then saying and that’s why space x is good
The reasons space x are good are why NASA is bad
It would be pretty damn simple to change NASA those ways but there was no arguable reason to because of the issues you mentioned
Until now when other companies saw the chance to get in on a government contract
I’m stupid in a lot of things but not reading comprehension
You on the other hand
Might not be stupid in a lot of things but definitely are reading comprehension
And if you can’t understand what you read I doubt you’d be able to do anything
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