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[deleted] t1_jbo5dhl wrote

I like that you think wars will be fought with cyborgs vs. eugenics instead of through cyber security


Rofel_Wodring OP t1_jbo76im wrote

On the contrary. Such a scenario is why I say that AI might be the only way out of our ongoing dystopia.

Warfare will be fought via cyberwarfare by way of drones. The unaugmented gamers will obliterate the cyborgs and eugenicists in a military conflict. The augmented gamers might have adaptations that allow them to exploit the AI tech slightly more conveniently than the unaugmented gamers, but the sheer crush in population will render those advantages moot.

Imagine you had a magic lamp with an all-powerful genie with three wishes in it and you were up against SkyNet. SkyNET has access to all of the resources of the planet, along with its own all-powerful genie with three wishes.

In a head-to-head conflict, I'd still give it to SkyNET. However, if there were two of me, I'd easily crush SkyNET, especially if one of our wishes was 'I wish we and any potential allies knew exactly what to use our wishes for to defeat a SkyNET also armed with a magic lamp'.


[deleted] t1_jbobxjq wrote



Rofel_Wodring OP t1_jbp071s wrote

>While military physical forces like drones have their place, to quote Starship Troopers, "If you disable their hand, they cannot push a button." My point on cyberwarefare is that war will be economic, informational, and infrastructure disabling.

And my point is that the way our AI is developing, even the very idea of having a state-run military is nonsensical. What exactly is the point of having an East African Union Hacking Team if some random peasant can just push a button and have a hacking team just as good as anything your state (such as it was) could put up?

It becomes even more nonsensical if we're post-scarcity at that point, meaning that not even land and energy become things worth theoretically fighting over.