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Zestyclose-Ad-9420 t1_jbqcfwe wrote

You need to breath and keep thinking. You havent reached the conclusion yet, you just got excited and thought you reached the conclusion. But conclusions are illusory, history never stops turning.

AI can and likely will become an open use consumer system. That doesnt mean that the elite class cannot monopolise its use.

My favourite historical analogue is grain milling. Technology spreads fast and by the medieval ages in Europe any peasant community with access to flowing water could make their own water mill to get flour. However, across much of Europe it was illegal to mill your own grain. You had to take it to the landowners mill, who would then charge you for its use.

AI of course is not exactly a grain mill. But advanced AI will eventually be able to be treated as means of (intellectual) production. And elites will always mobilise to monopolise these means, whatever means necessary.

Eventually using an AI without going through a middle man will be illegal and you will only be able to use it for sanctioned purposes. Criminals will use AI regardless until eventually terrorists figure out how to use it to hurt people. Then the state will justify using violence to crack down on AI use, for example drone striking places where illegal AIs or data centres are hosted. All speculation of course.