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Futurology-ModTeam t1_jegfugv wrote

Hi, courtimus-prime. Thanks for contributing. However, your submission was removed from /r/Futurology.

> > For the past three years, I've been creating Posterity, a socio-economic proposal designed to save the world from a climate crisis and create a better life quality for everyone, forever. > > I am confident this is the next step for human development and an opportunity to redefine life's meaning. Today, life is a work-centric and stressful ordeal, despite living in the most advanced and prosperous period of human history. It's time for a change. > > In this proposal, we can simultaneously solve climate change while ending inequality, the root cause of all of society's challenges like homelessness, crime and poverty, to name a few. > > I call it Posterity because it is the essence of preserving and securing humanity's future, no matter what the future throws at us. Right now, we're at risk of a global food crisis in the next 3-5 years, according to the founder of AgriPlay, a vertical farming company (I interviewed him for an article about it). That could be the first domino to fall in the collapse of civilization, because without food, people rise up or die. > > Extinction-level threats like global famine put our species at risk of not surviving the next 1000 years, according to some experts. We need a way of preserving humanity's future long after we're gone. This project will do that. > > What's the project? > > It's a multifaceted solution to making human civilization sustainable. In doing so, we 1) eliminate environmental impact, and 2) we make fail-safe survival solutions in the event Earth becomes uninhabitable. By making countries and societies self-sufficient, we solve climate change. It's that simple. > > What are some examples? > > Surprisingly, one of the easiest problems we can solve is world hunger. With modern innovations in vertical farming, we can vast amounts of food sustainably and resistent to climate change. This will increase overall health, reduce malnutrition, and reduce costs of the food industry. Agriculture will thereby shift to self-sufficient methods, freeing existing farmland to regenerate and be turned into forestry. > > Rural farmers will stay employed by instead growing trees to be cut down and be used as timber for affordable housing. If we communally compost organic waste, we can end food waste by delivering the final product to farmers to increase biodiversity in the microbiology and creates food sources for species. > > Another significant aspect is improving quality of life considerably with the automation of labour. Artificial intelligence is capable of performing a vast range of jobs, giving us the opportunity to automate and improve the efficiency of our businesses. We can eliminate bullshit jobs and give our lives back to ourselves to spend as we please. This frees incalculable potential for humanity's next pioneers, philosophers, and revolutionaries. > > Final Notes > > This is the tip of the iceberg, and has become my purpose in life. I am committed to making a better future for everyone, and I am convinced my proposal is revolutionary. I truly think we can change the world, and it does not have to turn everything upside down. I am an international undergrad student at Queen's University studying environmental science and public policy and this is my calling. > > I have started a subreddit about it called PosterityAndFuturology where I hope this revolution to begin. I look forward to hearing what you guys have to say. This is my attempt at igniting something that will change the future forever. > > "Rage, rage against the dying of the light."

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