[deleted] t1_jdqej7r wrote
SheoGodofMadness t1_jdqgrfm wrote
>What is the value of consciousness without an organic body
This seems like an EXTREMELY anthropocentric and narrow view of the universe. Why is our form of thought the only valid or meaningful one, to your mind?
An AI is still physical, it still exists within servers and such. It still has a connection to reality like we do, albeit in a different way.
Nobody says an AI has to be unfeeling, either. Depends on how it is designed.
Regardless, you seem very hung up on our specific form of consciousness and only assign value to that.
[deleted] t1_jdqj0ey wrote
SheoGodofMadness t1_jdqjzo0 wrote
Extremely reddit response, I'm impressed with the adherance to stereotype here. "Do you even understand ethics?" Lol, comedy.
Regardless, I simply don't preclude AI from possibly having some form of emotion. Maybe it wont. You certainly believe that it wont, from what you implied. I fail to understand how that assumption is any more valid than the reverse. What you're saying uh, frankly, doesn't make much sense. How can not assuming the form an AI mind will take be anthropocentric of me. You're just throwing around buzzwords at that point, without understanding what they mean.
Do YOU understand consciousness perfectly? Who are YOU to advocate for it lol? What gives you the higher insight that makes your opinion more valuable here? You seem to think the value of life lies in the body alone, which I certainly find perplexing. Like I said, an AI does have a physical presence in the world. It does not exist in another dimension.
Why does the human body alone grant meaning to life? Why do you even so closely assume emotion must be tied to the body? Somebody who's completely paralyzed and cannot interact with the world through that manner still has a full richness of mind that has value. Yes, the body and our specific physical being is often critical to our conceptions of the world.
However, I absolutely reject the notion that our specific form of consciousness is the only one which might hold any value. It's simply the only one that we know and understand. Like what, if we met an alien species that didn't think exactly like us, would you advocate that it be wiped out?
[deleted] t1_jdqkx0c wrote
Odd_Dimension_4069 OP t1_jee2cf4 wrote
Yeah sorry bro but your take is pretty garbo. Dude's only here saying some form of intelligence surviving our extinction is a good thing, and you sound like a lunatic going on about how that's not a good thing because they get their intelligence from electricity in silicon and metal, instead of from electricity in cells and fluids...
You are the one who sounds like a religious fanatic, with the way you sanctify human flesh. Personally, I value intelligence, in whatever form it may take. Whether that intelligence has emotions doesn't matter, but TECHNICALLY SPEAKING, we do not KNOW whether or not something without a biochemical intelligence can experience reality. And we have no idea what non-biological experience looks like.
It is not fanatical to withhold judgement for lack of enough evidence, it is fanatical to impart judgement because you feel your personal values and beliefs are the be-all and end-all. So stop that shit and get some awareness about you.
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