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vwb2022 t1_je9ofv9 wrote

Good intentions and all, but implementation won't be easy. Everything right now has really long lead times, we are 12-18 month lead times now, vs. 6 months two years ago. BTW, nuclear is not included in this as it's not considered a renewable energy source.


federykx t1_jea2v9c wrote

>it's not considered a renewable energy source

it is not renewable by definition


urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_je9yyd6 wrote

There is so much to say about improving processess, eliminating tasks and paperwork

the case with nuclears isn't that straight forward since they belong to a different risk level category, if you messed up a wind farm its not bigger than common indstrial sites, usually lower than many standard cases, from land adquisition to materials to risk assessment so standard cases could be used as template to save time and then find ways to improving work flow and simplifying /standarizing to apply it to all member states regulations

for ovbious reasons with nuclear you need to be more careful about location needs, materials quality and building methods, security, safety, handling and cutting corners