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ComfortableIntern218 OP t1_jcti6aw wrote

I will just agree to disagree. Skeptics always have a lot to say, but nobody remembers them. Not even the super edgy ones on Reddit. A company willing to publicly try and risk failing has my respect. I look forward to their results, pass or fail. Either way, we learn something we didn't know before.


jusdisgi t1_jefv1cg wrote

This is hilarious. You really try to come off as a completely neutral arbiter with no slant at all. Meanwhile you have tried to slap down literally every person in the thread who voiced any skepticism that this is for real.

There are good reasons to think this is junk. It's not certain, but lots and lots of warning signs are flashing and many of them have been pointed out here. The fact they got somebody to fund them and have now said they are going to launch does not prove anything.


ComfortableIntern218 OP t1_jeh47cb wrote

I have not. I am against people who shout a new technology down when we know almost nothing. I, too, am skeptical, but there is skepticism, and then there is just doubt backed by nothing. Skepticism is part of the scientific method. Claiming something won't work because you don't understand it sounds like a personal problem. I am yet to see anyone bring up a valid reason backed by data and knowledge of the technology in question.