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Djinnanetoniks t1_jculumi wrote

This sounds like a refinement of the QThruster that NASA was investigating a few years back. Basically using a very high voltage field to separate the spontaneous pair particles produced from the quantum foam and accelerating them with respect to the thruster in order to impart motion on the device and attached ship.


AaronElsewhere t1_jczp814 wrote

So layman me wondering where do these particles come from? I.e. if it's accelerating half the pair away, then it needs a steady supply of more pairs. Are these photons?


Djinnanetoniks t1_jczpql5 wrote

No they are "virtual particles" that are spontaneously generated and annihilated within the quantum foam. Any more concrete explanation would need someone who actually understands the math of quantum mechanics in this field, which I am not :P