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Complete_Ad_2619 t1_jc8b35z wrote

I would rather talk to a computer therapist than a human one. So don't be so sure


JohnWickThickStick t1_jc8shme wrote

I was about to say this. Are therapists doing something beyond using rational judgement to assess and assist in others solving their problems?

A therapist might be the one and only job I actually would prefer AI.


hxckrt t1_jc90ity wrote

Empathy and nonverbal building of rapport for one, but also the judgment to intervene and take proportional action when there is an immediate threat to someone's life.

Do you want a therapist to call someone when their patient is seriously considering harming someone? Don't be too quick to wish for a machine to do that.


Dziadzios t1_jc9msh2 wrote

> judgment to intervene and take proportional action when there is an immediate threat to someone's life

Recently I've read a post of someone who was suicidal but refused to go get help to specifically avoid this. It might actually be a feature.


hxckrt t1_jcaiwx4 wrote

Then you're still missing the safeguards for them harming others, and those can be very, very hard to separate


Pippin987 t1_jcc91hm wrote

This is the more extreme cases which preferably be done by real therapists yeah, but much off the world population has no acces to therapy and an AI semi-therapists that could help ppl with mundane therapy would seem helpful and could help avoid ppl needing actual therapy later.

Also a lot off ppl that do need therapy don't take that step to go into therapy because it's a daunting thing too many or they think they don't need it, but being able to talk to an app on their phone about their issues could help and if it's anything serious the AI could refer them to a real therapist.


EveryChair8571 t1_jc8kckv wrote

I had one who I finally opened up to, I know I did because I was swearing left and right.

She said “please stop swearing or I’ll have to ask you to leave”


Cdn_citizen t1_jc8vfv9 wrote

Yeah but a computer therapist can get hacked/data leaked where as a traditional one not so much.


MamaMiaPizzaFina t1_jc9p7ip wrote

I am feeling much better now. im in a better place, I have been in a process of learning healthy coping mechanisms, like not delving on my mistakes, appreciating my relationships, standing up for myself, and sending bitcoin to XX69L££T420XX.


InnatentiveDemiurge t1_jcanzfk wrote

People can get bribed, extorted, socially engineered or threatened.

Human-hacking is a thing.


Cdn_citizen t1_jcaq1v9 wrote

Yeah but we’re talking about a therapist here. Plus an AI will have stored hundreds if not thousands of clients information. Unlike a therapist which has limited time and reach.

It’s okay I know common sense is hard to get for some of you.


minterbartolo t1_jcb3omt wrote

doesn't matter the breath of the client list, hacking and obtaining one patients notes/data is just as egregious as hundreds. you claimed people could not get hacked or manipulated but then pivoted to well the impact is not as wide spread with person vs AI when confronted with facts that disputed your therapy is safer with human. where do you want to move the goal post to next?


Cdn_citizen t1_jcbseal wrote

I’m not saying people can’t get hacked. Do you even know what hacking is?

I’m not moving goal posts. I’m stating facts; you’re the ones who can’t understand logic versus what you ‘think’ in your own minds is equal. So sad to see the lot of you, no wonder you’re on reddit constantly replying to my comments. You all have nothing better to do

Edit: To prove a point it’s not my fault you people don’t know the definition of ‘hacking’.

Bribing, breaking in, black mailing is not ‘hacking’


minterbartolo t1_jcc8rmi wrote

happy to keep blowing holes in your rants in between my rocket science day job.

Social engineering is a manipulation technique that exploits human error to gain private information, access, or valuables. In cybercrime, these “human hacking” scams tend to lure unsuspecting users into exposing data, spreading malware infections, or giving access to restricted systems.


Cdn_citizen t1_jccpvvb wrote

Nice try but my friends who are actual rocket scientists don’t have time in their day jobs to waste on Reddit. They’re busying trying to get to Mars.

Who’s moving goals posts now? We are talking about licensed human therapists versus hacking.

Now you’re bringing up a new term human hacking

Maybe if you have so much free time you should Google what you say before you say it.


minterbartolo t1_jccqhlr wrote

It is a quiet week at JSC cause of spring break for the kids so work load is light


Cdn_citizen t1_jchcgsf wrote

Finally, an honest and thought out reply. Enjoy your break.


minterbartolo t1_jc8whs4 wrote

A traditional therapist could have their files hacked from the computer or office broken into? Not to mention a traditional therapist could be bribed or influenced on how they dole out treatment for a certain patient.


Cdn_citizen t1_jc8yzrs wrote

Nice try but an A.I. can have bad data fed to it. A.I.s have to be connected to the cloud. A.I.s are stored on servers, designed to be accessible digitally.

What you state, physical file storage, breaking in. Someone has to physically go to the office and know where it is and have a connection a patient of the therapist. No random person will do that, it will be targeted.

Plus they'll have to carry all those files out of the office or computer and usually professional buildings will have 24/hr security on site.

An A.I. therapist won't have such an office and can be hacked any time during your hypothetical appointment.


minterbartolo t1_jc90fis wrote

If therapist takes digital notes those could be hacked just as easily than an AI server. Heck the way folks fall for phishing scams and click on malware links the therapist notes are more at risk to be stolen.


Cdn_citizen t1_jcaqglm wrote

Keyword “if”. Which most don’t. What you don’t and all the others on here don’t understand is the reach of an AI therapist is much greater than a human therapist.

Hence why for example people don’t break into convenience stores to steal their customer data but will hack Facebook or Uber servers.

Man this crowd is dense.


the-real-macs t1_jcazgmd wrote

What do you think hacking is?


Cdn_citizen t1_jcbrzi8 wrote

It’s not what I think. Hacking


the-real-macs t1_jcdaoqq wrote

Okay, yeah, that's what I thought, you don't have the faintest beginner's knowledge about how it's actually accomplished. Should've known when you were implying that the concept held any relevance to the behavior of a neural network, but I thought I'd make sure.


Cdn_citizen t1_jchcxy8 wrote

And it's clear to me you don't know how to read. We're done here. I don't talk with bricked people.