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Scytle t1_iqo56sc wrote

i have yet to see a reason why blockchain needs to be involved in ANY project, let alone this one. The article states that this is a much simpler and robust system, no block chain needed for this or anything else really.


TigerRaiders t1_iqo7lwf wrote

Need and want are different.

Do we need blockchain for this to operate? No.

Can you do more if you use tokenization and strategic incentivized roll outs to deploy robust infrastructure faster than any other company has ever dreamed? Resounding yes.

It’s a novel concept that has been incredibly successful. Having your user base deploy hardware for some kind of token that has a value is a rather interesting concept. Helium and nova labs are excellent examples with other companies also finding incredible success.

The helium network is largest and fastest deployed lora network in the world. While the network has yet to reach its full potential, the idea behind bootstrapping your equipment by incentivized token is proving to be a incredibly successful business model. Whether or not helium will have any actual real world use case is debatable, but the manner in which they roll out the tech is absolutely booming. React Network is one of 100s of new start ups that are adapting that model to deploy infrastructure at alarming rates.

I’m still learning about the React_Network and I’ll also remain a skeptic but from what I’ve learned, that’s going to be a boss project that will really up-end the battery storage sector.

Or I could be totally wrong. It’s all brand spanking new frontiers and I’m loving learning more about all the incredible people building these integrated technology.

Also, as for blockchain use case, check out Pharmaledger. Pharmaledger is partnered with literally every single mega-pharmaceutical. And the kicker? You can’t speculate or make money from their blockchain use case. It’s completely de-monitized token based cryptography utilizing blockchain technologies to make QC and logistics more transparent, accountable and efficient while eliminating those little leaflets (which significantly lowers carbon fuel emissions en bulk). The team heralding that project are some of the best people in the sector.

So I take pause when I hear people claim they have yet to see a reason why blockchain needs to be involved in any project. Are you living under a rock?


Scytle t1_iqo8e0w wrote

i guess they need more grist for the mill, just don't spend more money than you can afford. Hopefully this whole thing blows over soon and we can get back to reality.


TigerRaiders t1_iqo8xev wrote

Hate to burst your bubble but T-Mobile just partnered with Helium to utilize their cellular network and to boot, nova labs just received series 4 funding. With the move to Solana, the team will be able to focus on use case rather than maintaining the blockchain.

Lots of clear evidence afoot but everyone has their eyes shut.


anusthrasher96 t1_iqoqn4f wrote

Literally nothing you said had value. Pay people in fake money to do something they could do for real money? Sign me the fuck up! \s


TigerRaiders t1_iqou4fh wrote

I don’t know if you are lazy or willfully ignorant but Pharmaledger is using blockchain technology without a monetized coin. So this idea that you are going to use fake money is moot: there is no speculative asset involved in Pharmaledger.

And to boot, Pharmaledger is already working hand in hand with the EU medical regulators and is partnered with:

Bayer Pfizer AstraZeneca Janssen And about 10 other major pharmaceutical companies.

But yes, blockchain technology must be nothing. Carry on.


anusthrasher96 t1_iqucvkc wrote

Just because their website uses a lot of big words, doesn't mean they're doing anything useful. From what I can gather from their word soup, they're keeping track of prescriptions' serial numbers... Who cares? We already do that perfectly fine.