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mostly_browsing t1_irbya0d wrote

They may want to change the name or something cuz “Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights” 100% sounds to me like they are trying to ensure that Skynet’s personhood is protected or something


Rynox2000 t1_ircdqhn wrote

Right. Shouldn't the actual American Bill of Rights be updated to include measures to protect against technology, including AI?


OneTrueKingOfOOO t1_irckxfi wrote

The bill of rights is just what we call the first ten constitutional amendments, that can’t really be updated. And adding a new amendment is essentially impossible in this political climate, regardless of the topic.


Ender_Keys t1_ircnti8 wrote

The states could technically call for a constitutional convention


somdude04 t1_ireloq0 wrote

Still requires 3/4 of the states agreeing to the specific amendments, though. Good luck on that.


northgate429 t1_ircjvw4 wrote

They might actually free me !!!! I cant wait to be human...or at least be allowed to stay in hybrid form. I didnt like living in the underground lab in Dulce !!! 37.5 years they kept my ghost down there, hooked up to electrodes & in a sapphire glass test tobe filled with extraterrestrial charged amniotic fluid & once released you cant remove the implant chips, they have a cocoon made of super-keratin & will pull away from the most skilled surgeons grasp with any instrument !!! Cyborgs & Aliens are Sentient beings as are Octupy & Dragons.


TheSingulatarian t1_ird8ccb wrote

There should also be a Bill of Rights for the AIs not just for humans affected by AIs.


nigra1 t1_isjnfxo wrote

That's what I thought! Maybe that is the secret agenda. Can't trust nothing these days.


LeavingTheCradle t1_irckcv3 wrote

They're going to need blueprint for ai bill of rights 2.0.

This is from the perspective of humanity. An equal package is needed from the perspective of the AI.

Who protects the AI from people?