jeep6988 t1_irobmua wrote
Reply to comment by OriginalCompetitive in How green are biofuels? Scientists are at loggerheads: Replacing gasoline with ethanol has changed landscapes across the globe. by filosoful
Whats the environmental cost of the renewables? How many million trees did Scotlans cut down to make solar farms again? When those panels go bad, what happens to them? When the batteries in EVs go bad, what happens to them? Does any of this make that big a difference in tne big picture? How much human made pollution does this stopwhen India and China aren't doing the same? Does that make dramatically lowerong the standard of living in the west worth it?
OriginalCompetitive t1_iroqw97 wrote
You ask all these questions, seemingly unaware that they all have perfectly reasonable answers.
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