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userino69 t1_is0o3i5 wrote

It's irrelevant how abundant an element is in the earth's crust if we don't have the ability to mine those deposits because of their extreme depth or the current unstable dictatorship residing above it. They might as well be on Mars.


throwaway_12358134 t1_is0pm3i wrote

Lithium is fairly equally distributed, unstable dictatorships are a problem for oil, not lithium. Lithium can be recycled too, gas cannot.


TheNotSoEvilEngineer t1_is0qw3z wrote

Technically... Gas is a renewable, just takes a long time to go through organic sequestration and pressure to decompose and resequence the hydrocarbons into oil.


AdorableContract0 t1_is10gi7 wrote

Stretching a definition there. Renewable is defined as less than a generation or lifetime or something.