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n3w4cc01_1nt t1_iufxthj wrote

but not 10x more expensive in other places like the usa. it's like 3.50 nationally which is about the same it was in 2008 ($3.27) but with inflation it's actually cheaper than then. so unless it's higher than 4.51 in the us the consumer is still purchasing at a better rate.


lightscameracrafty t1_iugewcp wrote

That took a Herculean effort by the Biden admin tho, and there’s no guarantee OPEC, especially Saudi Arabia, is going to play ball again.

Besides it’s an apples to oranges comparison: solar is a technology while gas is a finite commodity. The first is only going to get cheaper as it scales and evolves, while the former is only going to get more expensive. That’s why the writing’s on the wall for carbon energy.