ThePresidentsNipples t1_ism5h7c wrote
Lol its going to look like video games from the late 90s to 2000s
omnichronos t1_ism6psv wrote
Ads are the bane of the modern world. They are a blight on our existence.
das_masterful t1_ism7zxf wrote
I can't wait for a Ford to be in the garage of Barad-dûr.
_DAD_JOKE_ t1_ism878p wrote
I spent years planning, writing, then directing content on a platform, my lifelong dream come true....then Comcast sticks a fucking VPN ad in my art. Fuck. That. Companies need to chill.
FuturologyBot t1_ism8inq wrote
The following submission statement was provided by /u/cartoonzi:
Announced a few months ago at NewFronts, Amazon and Peacock demonstrated new ad formats that use similar virtual product placement (VPP) tools, a post-production technique for inserting a brand into a TV show or movie scene.
Amazon presented its new VPP tool, currently operating in beta, that lets advertisers place their branded products directly into streaming content after they have already been filmed and produced. Meanwhile, Peacock’s new “In-Scene” ads will identify key moments within a show and digitally insert a brand’s customized messaging or product post-production so the brand is showcased in the right TV show/movie and at the right time.
The virtual product placement beta program has already been implemented in several Prime Video and Freevee original series such as “Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan,” “Bosch: Legacy,” the overall Bosch franchise, “Reacher” and “Leverage: Redemption.”
This is really interesting from a tech perspective, but I wonder if the personalization of these ads could alter or feel out of place in a movie. Example: can a virtual billboard ad be a mismatch with the genre or historical timing of the movie or show?
It makes a lot of sense from a streamer's perspective. They want to invest in creating more content without charging people more because they will leave (*cough* Netflix *cough*). And many streaming services now offer ad-supported tiers so they don't lose as many subscribers.
From Amazon's perspective, I can see them building this technology to the point where they can provide it as a service to Netflix and Disney Plus (like they do with AWS).
What does everyone think of this?
Please reply to OP's comment here:
Anastariana t1_ism9el3 wrote
This is some dystopian, Black Mirror stuff.
Imagine being a writer who gets their stories made into a TV series and at a key, tear-jerking moment a big fucking Snickers ad is right behind the characters.
CrankyStinkman t1_ism9gc2 wrote
Yeah, ads are easily the worst part of modern society. If I could get rid of any thing it would be ads, climate change and polarization are whatever.
DeezNeezuts t1_ism9u5i wrote
I remember seeing this at an Adobe Summit pre pandemic.
RichWritersClub t1_ismadqv wrote
Orodruin is replaced with the Volcano Bay Disney Park. Elrond and Durin are sitting around eating their HelloFresh meals. Nori’s family ain’t getting left behind in their BRAND NEW DODGE CARAVAN.
Raeandray t1_ismbuf6 wrote
Presumably they’ll do this in a tactful way, or it will backfire. It’s not like product placement isn’t already all over visual media.
djfishfingers t1_ismcb5u wrote
So you're telling me we can't give workers a livable wage because the costs of goods and services will go up, but we can afford a cost increase because companies are going to spend even more money coating every inch of our lives in invasive advertisement?
blazelet t1_ismcpoy wrote
I worked in news, commercials and now vfx. I imagine it’s probably a more automated way of doing what we’ve been manually doing forever. I’ve worked on major Hollywood films where we’ve added a certain car parked on the street behind the characters because a car company paid for it, or swapped out billboards/signage/buildings to focus on a sponsor.
If they prep the footage adequately when they shoot, scenes could be templated where as long as you format the input image consistently it just swaps them out seamlessly. This month it features MMs, next month it’s coke.
elguachojkis7 t1_ismcryr wrote
This sounds exactly like something Jack Donaghy would come up with
ManlyBearKing t1_ismctim wrote
Advertising (even base advertising) works because deep down we all still have primitive monkey brain neurons that strengthen when repeatedly exposed to a stimulus. Businesses, governments, and others are all convinced too, which is ironically further proof it's effective.
ebrytaim t1_ismd14w wrote
Nah they’re gonna push as far as they can, then only dial it down when people complain.
OG-Bluntman t1_ismd5zd wrote
This is the worst Dad Joke I’ve ever seen.
TheStupendusMan t1_ismdjms wrote
This. They’d probably just have project files / templates prepped to pump out changes per cycle.
OG-Bluntman t1_ismdqku wrote
This is simple, just eliminate free choice. If only one of everything is available, no need to try out-do your non-existent competition.
OG-Bluntman t1_isme5fx wrote
“It's like people only do these things because they can get paid. And that's just really sad.” -Garth Algar
nyc-will t1_isme7za wrote
More than one thing can be bad you know
_DAD_JOKE_ t1_ismen30 wrote
But you have heard of me...
glumjonsnow t1_ismeqnk wrote
Modern ads are a symbol of late-stage capitalism so it's not necessarily wrong to say they are the bane of the modern world. Also, fucking chill.
s332891670 t1_ismf43e wrote
Fuck this dogshit world. Ted was right, we need a revolution against technology.
CrankyStinkman t1_ismf5na wrote
I don’t agree that ads are the worst thing in the modern world and I’m entitled to my own opinion. Fucking chill dude.
SatansMoisture t1_ismf692 wrote
Its times like these that I'm glad I bought the original physical media as well as not subscribing to any streaming services, ever.
CrankyStinkman t1_ismfjb3 wrote
Yes, and I disagree with OPs stance that ads are the worst part of modern society.
Articles are important, you know.
Aurum_MrBangs t1_ismfmrt wrote
They are also what keeps the internet running…. So
socialistRanter t1_ismfnfj wrote
Does this explain the Starbucks cup in Game of Thrones? /s
omnichronos t1_ismg8ak wrote
That's like saying slaves are necessary to pick cotton.
bigtexnick t1_ismgigi wrote
…..aaaaaaaaaand end stage capitalism begins the process of devouring society.
ChrysMYO t1_ismgsww wrote
It will be tactful until its standard
redredred-it t1_ismh09c wrote
This is about inventory and personalization. Today, General Mills pays a lot to have a box of Cheerios placed on set, and more if the actors interact with it (eat the cereal, for example). But as much as they pay, it’s a fraction of what that ad revenue could be.
ELI5: Imagine if the box of cereal was entirely green, like a green screen. Now every cereal maker has a shot at product placement. Amazon can rotate the advertisers on different streams, or by region. It becomes more lucrative in international markets where there are regional cereal manufacturers that would want to get in on the action.
Ultimately Amazon makes a lot more money, and presumably the audience sees ads more relevant and personalized. Amazon knows I’m in my mid forties, so they’d probably show me Special K instead of Cheerios…
Creepy, yes. Also very profitable.
ZeCactus t1_ismhla9 wrote
I don't see poeple complaining about cotton shirts not being free mearly as often as I see people complaining about youtune premium being a thing, though.
PaulblankPF t1_ismhzbp wrote
I’m seeing more that advertising goes too hard these days and makes people feel hate and resentment for whatever is being advertised. It’s definitely supposed to be a balancing act but things are getting out of hand and greedy lately.
reddituserdotgov t1_ismk1nb wrote
Can you both chill please?
CrankyStinkman t1_ismkrvj wrote
But, my name…
reddituserdotgov t1_ismkvvq wrote
Ah yes, you’re right. Okay you stay warm!
Alundra828 t1_ismlblr wrote
"The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it. It began with the forging of the Great Rings. Three were given to the Elves, immortal, wisest and fairest of all beings. Seven to the Dwarf lords, great miners and craftsmen of the mountain halls. And nine, nine rings were gifted to the race of Men, who, above all else, desire power. But they were, all of them, deceived, for another ring was made. In the land of Mordor, in the fires of Mount Doom, the Dark Lord Sauron forged in secret a Master Ring, to control all others. And into this ring he poured his cruelty, his malice and his will to dominate all life. One Ring to rule them all! But even he cannot fathom why the children love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch"
mouserat_hat t1_ismldgo wrote
Very interesting! It will likely work very well. Occasionally, I can see it backfiring; for example if I saw a commercial with one of my favorite sitcom characters, I would immediately detest the commercial.
EffervescentSpleen t1_ismlz7u wrote
If you’re caught up on Ted, you should check out any Zerzan that catches your eye. I assume your probably have, but this is the way. It all needs to come apart.
Anastariana t1_ismm8js wrote
The best satire is where you aren't sure if it can be true or not.
lovemeinthemoment t1_ismmtsv wrote
Plus who doesn’t love Cinnamon Toast Crunch?
scarybevis t1_ismn5kc wrote
this would be like watching friends or seinfeld and you see a cryptocurrency ad in a newspaper or something. stupid ass pointless technology
Far_Action_8569 t1_ismnmlk wrote
This is the corporate way
Morphik08 t1_ismo7aw wrote
It goes deeper than that. They could use your personal data to advertise your favorite cereal to you. This is one step closer to the ads seen in minority report
k1ng_bl0tt0 t1_ismow21 wrote
They already did this with Taco Bell changing to Pizza Hut in newer releases of demolition man
[deleted] t1_ismpex4 wrote
[deleted] t1_ismphg7 wrote
markdepace t1_ismqnz3 wrote
start doing it and i won't watch the shows. enough people doing it and they'll stop.
KBunn t1_ismr263 wrote
Contracts will be written to protect against that.
probably_a_noob t1_ismtmw9 wrote
I'd compare it to the movie Idiocracy.
SadShots t1_ismtpvw wrote
>Peacock’s new “In-Scene” ads will identify key moments within a show and digitally insert a brand’s customized messaging or product post-production so the brand is showcased in the right TV show/movie and at the right time.
Fuck. Off.
I saw this kind of stuff when I lived in the US. Watching a show and then some other shows actors appear on the bottom of the screen, fully filmed/in motion, advertising their show and taking up screen space. PLUS you then have commercials every 8 - 10 mins. It's fucking insane.
s332891670 t1_ismuwhb wrote
The clown who is against art and calenders? Yeah no thanks. A bridge too far.
mikepictor t1_ismwlxi wrote
They know more about this than you. Seeing a product once won’t. But seeing it a dozen times or more, starts to normalize it. It becomes a default presence in your worldview, and can start to become a default choice when you are thinking or products of this type.
There is a reason even if you don’t buy coke, you definitely think about it when the concept of colas comes forward.
schnibitz t1_ismxk4f wrote
Came here to ask questions about just this scenario.
_moonbeam_ t1_ismzhxb wrote
Happening in hockey right now with digitally super imposed board ads that change while the play is on, including animated ads. It's awful.
aioncan t1_ismzy23 wrote
As long as their heads doesn’t turn into a snickers bar
cy13erpunk t1_isn0p68 wrote
looks like im about to have a lot more incentive to hit that backlog of books/reading
2030 adblock is just reading a good book and not watching video media XD
MilkshakeBoy78 t1_isn5f6o wrote
what are ancient ads symbols of?
TheCh0rt t1_isn66x7 wrote
Jeffrey needs his tendies
Fastfaxr t1_isna73v wrote
They spend 100s of billions every year on research determining how much they advertise vs rate of return. So I agree that its getting out of hand, but it must still be working.
tomwesley4644 t1_isndyst wrote
I’m sure it will be subtle enough for chimp brain to be okay with
CriticalUnit t1_isnjugn wrote
Thanks I Hate it!
It's not like we're not way past the point of advertising saturation.
Sure companies will still pay for this nonsense, but does it really provide value when viewers just ignore it?
[deleted] t1_isnp6a5 wrote
Hades_adhbik t1_isnwplj wrote
I don't mind product placements because it doesn't take me out of it. It's passive.
beaucoupBothans t1_isny1dd wrote
Not if they want funding.
ScoobyDeezy t1_isnyt3f wrote
Seems like the show will still get to decide when and where these ads show up, it’s just that the content is dynamic. Pretty innocent, actually, apart from being immersion-breaking if the ad is for something the characters don’t have access to.
YnotBbrave t1_isog3zr wrote
This can already happen. Amazon contribution is the post-production element, these can be added later, so the director films a clean movie and then management overloads it with the right balance of ads to be nauseating but still sell
hobointhestairwell t1_isoj53i wrote
You mean “continues.” It began a long time ago.
hobointhestairwell t1_isoj9cn wrote
I have no idea who zerzan is, but this retort makes me all the more curious.
zero573 t1_isojmuq wrote
And many streaming services now offer ad-supported tiers so they don't lose as many subscribers
Uhhh I’m pretty sure most people who left Cable and cut their cords were to get away from all the fucking advertising, no one wants this. This whole exponential capital growth culture is rotting away everything and anything.
How the hell can a system be set up like “oh, we only generated 1 billion in revenue this year and not the 1.2 billion like we forecasted and now our investors are panic selling our stock!” like it’s a good thing. Eventually your always going to reach a peak for capital income. Exponential growth isn’t sustainable. Then they try to cut corners and squeeze out every last drop of cash they can before their customers bail because of the now substandard product. The company falls, is bought up by a different one and the cycle repeats.
qazlurch t1_isomzj7 wrote
I always wanted to scream "it's the fuckin sugar, dumbass" at those commercials
python4all t1_isopj57 wrote
Like the Budweiser beer can in AT+ “The greatest beer run ever”?
AlwaysL82TheParty t1_isp3q09 wrote
It's probably a bit more advanced than this. We actually put out a platform about 10 years ago doing it (going to have to go see if they violated our patents lol) Here's our platform so you can see how we were using it (and I suspect they are doing it roughly the same - if you look at things like the skateboard & football, you can see you don't even need flat blank spaces - we analyzed videos & recommended spots, then auto inserted brands):
Raiden115X t1_isp6akk wrote
Watching Bladerunner will never be the same after this
10tothe24 t1_isp9nvw wrote
Some markets open in pairs and some open alone. This is an example of markets opening in pairs because one of the markets that just opened up is what's stated above where companies can market post filming in a show/movie. The second market is now where a company could make a paid algorithm to strip those advertisements off the screen when you watch
[deleted] t1_isq6bl1 wrote
GushingMoist t1_isq964n wrote
It sounds like this is going to be more subtle and straight to the subconscious. It could be billboards or other things in the background, tv shots, pictures, etc. Tv companies want to give us commercials without looking like typical commercials as we are paying for “add free” subscriptions … I don’t think consumers are going to notice them as much as the intrusive bubble heads that you are talking about, but once you notice them I’m sure they will be equally annoying.
theoriginalstarwars t1_isqbejb wrote
Ads are the same thing as a job. You are selling your time. 8 minutes of your time every 30 minutes to watch a network TV show for free. As opposed to 8 hours a day to take home money to buy the house/rent the apartment and pay your cable/internet so you can watch TV and sell more of your time. Gotta love modern society.
SecretNature t1_isqdkkg wrote
Based on the ads they currently show me, they don’t know a damn thing about me.
SecretNature t1_isqdu10 wrote
I’m old enough to remember when cable was sold to us as the “ad-free” option to get away from broadcast TV that was cluttered with ads. Didn’t take too long before cable was waaaay worse with more ads than broadcast TV ever had.
omnichronos t1_isqmwpn wrote
You pay for cable so you don't watch ads that are on broadcast TV. Then they double dip and start selling ads on cable. So you move to Netflix. Then Netflix decides to double dip and sell ads. Where does it stop? I say they can stick their ads up their ass. I refuse to watch ads. I'll be sailing the high seas if I'm unable to block their ads.
glumjonsnow t1_isqo5am wrote
absolute state power
technology being used to sell us more things in increasingly obscene ways is pretty interesting as a modern phenomena. at the time, i replied bc i thought the commenter who said it wasn't as important as climate change was being an asshole. but now i'm actually interested in what we're being sold by the powers that be and why.
zero573 t1_isrpboe wrote
Yeah I remember that too. As it is there is no cable in my house. We just stream everything, and are happier for it. But if they start treating streaming like cable, nah man, F-That. Tv isn’t the end of the world.
Tacky-Terangreal t1_isu7hdv wrote
People meme in Banksy, but their rant against ads is so spot on. It’s a waste of our money and attention designed to make you feel worse so you buy some stupid shit
Planague t1_it2vsez wrote
Where would you put an ad for the Trivection Oven...
cartoonzi OP t1_ism45ua wrote
Announced a few months ago at NewFronts, Amazon and Peacock demonstrated new ad formats that use similar virtual product placement (VPP) tools, a post-production technique for inserting a brand into a TV show or movie scene.
Amazon presented its new VPP tool, currently operating in beta, that lets advertisers place their branded products directly into streaming content after they have already been filmed and produced. Meanwhile, Peacock’s new “In-Scene” ads will identify key moments within a show and digitally insert a brand’s customized messaging or product post-production so the brand is showcased in the right TV show/movie and at the right time.
The virtual product placement beta program has already been implemented in several Prime Video and Freevee original series such as “Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan,” “Bosch: Legacy,” the overall Bosch franchise, “Reacher” and “Leverage: Redemption.”
This is really interesting from a tech perspective, but I wonder if the personalization of these ads could alter or feel out of place in a movie. Example: can a virtual billboard ad be a mismatch with the genre or historical timing of the movie or show?
It makes a lot of sense from a streamer's perspective. They want to invest in creating more content without charging people more because they will leave (*cough* Netflix *cough*). And many streaming services now offer ad-supported tiers so they don't lose as many subscribers.
From Amazon's perspective, I can see them building this technology to the point where they can provide it as a service to Netflix and Disney Plus (like they do with AWS).
What does everyone think of this?