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ltethe t1_isuqgoa wrote

In 09 I was in Beijing in a newly planted forest. Probably about 10 years old, about 10 feet between each tree, all planted in perfect rows, no undercover, just trees. Lots of people walking through it as well, like it used to be a road or plaza or something. Really strange because even though you’re surrounded by trees, you can see forever down the parallel lines…

I don’t think it was a carbon sink or anything, it probably was planted to hide something along the way to the Olympic venues or something, but I’ve always been struck at how odd a manufactured forest is.


Alis451 t1_isus8oh wrote

if it is in a city it also acts as a heat sink, counteracting the urban heat island effect. also trees growing near roadways LOVE the bonus CO2 concentrations, they make sweeter maple syrup too(fewer gallons of sap required)


ltethe t1_isuvjxv wrote

That I didn’t know, thanks for that nugget.


diggertb t1_isuueoh wrote

This was from the Great Green Wall initiative that started in the late 70s. It was a relative failure early on because they planted what they hoped would work as plants, not what the regions supported. It was a seemingly honest attempt at doing good for the environment that was just flawed, but does continue until today and has gotten better.


Hoverkat t1_iswp423 wrote

It's cheaper to plant trees in row. The plan is that over time they'll turn into a real forest (atleast where I'm from.)