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hell-yeah-man t1_itdpehm wrote

Well with some weak google searches I got ~90 tons extracted per year from the earth in total, should be recent but didn’t check too closely. And with the moon having a mass of about 8.1^19 tons it would take us about 2 quadrillion years to mine it all, but to affect earth it would be way less so my guess with no background knowledge is 1/30th the moons weight. To remove would probably take about 68 trillion years, I don’t feel like accounting for optimization of the industry and such, but I still doubt we can do it in any timeframe that we can affect.

Edit: you would also have to account for the moons orbit in how you moved the materials from the planet. But sorry for the long reply lol, had fun with some guesses.


mdog73 t1_itfvhm6 wrote

At that point we could just move the moon closer to earth to counteract the weaker pull if necessary.