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YpsilonY t1_itqkjed wrote

I guess after decades of bad news, it could be worse. It's certainly a step in the right direction. But let's not forget that we'd need CO2 emissions to be rapidly declining by now, if we want to stick to no more than 2°C of warming by the end of the century.


YWAK98alum t1_itqm9oa wrote

Sometimes the first step to curing the patient is stopping the bleeding.


ialsoagree t1_itr2e7z wrote

We're not even to the point of slowing the bleeding yet. The bleeding is still getting faster, it's just not getting faster as quickly.

Pointing that out isn't doom and gloom, it's fighting complacency. We still have a lot to do, and every year what we have to do is getting bigger because we didn't do enough the year before.


JustWhatAmI t1_itr5fm8 wrote

>Pointing that out isn't doom and gloom, it's fighting complacency.

I saw it more as pointing out that EVs and green energy were what led the charge


ItsAConspiracy t1_iu414ts wrote

More like they led the slow crawl. We're way behind and climate change is extending its lead. We're just not falling behind quite as quickly as before.

I guess that's progress but business-as-usual but with EVs and renewables is not going to win this race.


Single_Pick1468 t1_itqv8tj wrote

Yes and like stop killing animals for food and products which are so devastating for the climate and more. Much bleeding in the literal sense to be stopped.


cybercuzco t1_itx7ahy wrote

It’s still bad. They yearly increase is still within the estimate for the total sequestration capacity for earths natural processes.