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Hungry-Sentence-6722 t1_iu0a0ok wrote

AI should never be allowed to make decisions, only implement our choices. Otherwise we forfeit our sense of self determination. Here is a proposal for the human side of automated governance.

The first step is simply removing gatekeepers (senators) by building automated opinion networks… like Reddit. The best ideas rise to the top and then get voted on in real time. Bad legislation is also revocable the same way. This process makes political parties almost impossible to sustain.
Have a look, I’d like to hear your thoughts.


Quadrature_Strat t1_iu0a9ul wrote

The fact is, you might not like the answers. Is it obvious that people today are happier than they were in the Middle Ages? We are healthier and richer, but are we happier?


Quadrature_Strat t1_iu0dnr8 wrote

Fair enough. The questions asked would matter a great deal as your post indicated. Are you interested in current conditions? Long term survival of the species? What if wide spread famine now we're required to prevent global environmental catastrophe? What if the ai decided there were simply too many of us?

The power of an AI overlord (not quite what you suggested) would be its ability to see the big picture and respond decisively. Unlike a supposedly benign human dictator, it might never succumb to ego mania or get too old. Otherwise, its still a supposedly-benign dictator. I'm just thinking aloud, not criticizing at all.


MentallyMusing t1_iu0l4n1 wrote

It could take multiple desires regarding activity adding in the hopeful, human ideal outcomes, and predict viability and a method that takes those things into account while calculating a sum that is mutually beneficial regarding resources, activity and results for All, in a detailed way, with steps and precise time-frames of those steps to be followed....

Allowing for the humans, prone to producing errors due to personal stakes in the game, to be relieved of creating a failed strategy full of cognitive biases

AND... it could be used for so many different applications that the idea of some machine that sits in one big building (restricting access to Corporate Entities, Legal and OFFICIAL Government Entities to gain permission and time slots to make use of it is Absurdly misrepresentative of the kind of space needed to House an AI Program)

Allowing Only access to an Elite little group of decision makers gets wiped right off the table as something with Far too many easily foreseeable problems in a way that whoever suggests it as being a moderately good... or god forbid,the Best Idea would be looked at as having ulterior motives and potentially work stashed under their belt as a full fledged tyrant in the making who stands to gain a seat with the Elite after they finish conning the masses with that bullshit version of Shady Marketer-ing as being the only way to accomplish using AI Technology that can perform those tasks. It's not like we've traveled back in time and can be convinced computers look like they did in the 1950's or the there haven't been IMMENSE improvements with how Data is Stored

Personally.... I believe we'll start hearing about this already being done sooner rather than later and hopefully new Laws will be created regarding Technology Use that it can help get onto the books and enforced appropriately with full approval already being guaranteed by it's ability to predict outcomes/acceptability by the masses accurately

A cleaning up of the Laws Books and Punishments connected to Convictions (multiple convictions as well) is something we're sorely in need of help from AI to accomplish to rid us of the version of Class Warfare present in the Judicial System


ImperatorScientia t1_iu0pegp wrote

It’s not the best word choice, but I’m in full support of Tegmark’s “Enslaved God” scenario. As someone already stated, AI should only use its superior abilities to implement policies and decisions made by humans.


RavenWolf1 t1_iu17p9e wrote

Humans are stupid animals who kills each others for their fragile egos and right to get mates. Humans are not fit to rule. AI overlord should be welcomed.


noonemustknowmysecre t1_iu3969o wrote

Iowa is truly the powerhouse of tech development.

Ok buddy, first off, you've got to spell check your work. See all those red squigglies? You need to fix them. There's real reasons behind all those spelling and grammar rules and while most of us here have enough language skills to see past your mistakes, it DOES hamper the conversation.

Beyond spelling and picking the wrong words, you're premise is nuts.

>lets day that there is a very advanced AI that has extremely complex prediction and problem solving ability.

That's easy because it's true. But complexity doesn't imply accuracy nor viable solutions.

>this AI could help governments take the objectively better choice when presented with an objective

Essentially already happening. Analysts really do use AI driven models at predicting the economy, political reactions, social reactions, and how well they'd poll after various decisions. They tell the leaders what will happen if they do X, Y, or Z, and then the leaders do what they want.

> BUT it would still be given a decision to take. i mean like, it would never be told by the goverment representstives: "ok whats the best way to make every citizen to hsve a better and happier life??". because the awnser would probably include the powerfull giving much of their resources/power.

....I'm pretty sure I get what you're saying and this is very on point. Because yeah, they all essentially know how to help the masses. They largely choose not to do that. People to them, like everything else, are just tools. You could run your engine at 1000RPM and go 45mph and the engine wouldn't have such a hard time: less wear and tear, fewer oil changes, easier braking. But you don't want to go 45. You want to go 80. And so you rev it.

>So, when this technology is at the necessary level, and it has been proven to be 100% effective

It is, right now, at that "necessary level". BUT, it will never be anything conceptually "100% effective".

>control of what the AI is beeing asked?

It's not really a matter of controlling what the AI is being used for. You can call up various sociologist at various academics and ask them to run their models for pretty much anything. It's work though, so don't expect free labor. But we don't even need AI to know that raising the minimum wage would help out the masses and raise the average quality of life in the nation. But the people in power don't want that.

You're trying to apply a technological solution to a political and socioeconomic problem. It's not a matter of finding the solution to the problem, it's that nobody in power cares about that problem.