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CuckoldMeTimbers t1_iun3toj wrote

I’m responding to your comment and reasoning, nothing more. Of course a lot of fiction doesn’t. But your comment completely disregarded the fact that authors often will attempt to convey their thought of a potential future and are often much closer to the truth than people realize at the time. But while we’re at it, you’re suggesting it would be a better life for big corps to keep people alive so we can… work for hundreds and hundreds of years? Yeah nah I’m good at 65 or so


Responsible-Hat5816 OP t1_iun4n60 wrote

>Yeah nah I’m good at 65 or so

You don't get to decide how long others are allowed to live. Or that they must age and suffer age related diseases like dementia because "you're good at 65 or so"

It's stupid to think that offering rejuvenation therapies to rich people only will turn out to be more profitable than offering them to the masses.

That doomer movie didn't take that into account, because it's easier to give people cope.


CuckoldMeTimbers t1_iun4vgs wrote

I’m not deciding for anyone, they’re free to do whatever they want. That’s my opinion. You’re pretty hostile.


Responsible-Hat5816 OP t1_iun5hcw wrote

Then what's the point of replying with I'm good at 65, nah.

No one wants to grow old, get sick and malfunction. And no real argument was made about why the rich will receive this only.

Oh but Altered Carbon!!


CuckoldMeTimbers t1_iun90mn wrote

My only point was pointing out how it was wrong to be dismissive like you were about fiction just because it’s fiction, but that (and everything else I said) clearly went sailing over your head, it seems like you still think you’re responding to the original comment. My opinion that I gave was my opinion like I pointed out, which you still seem to be having an issue wrapping your head around


Responsible-Hat5816 OP t1_iundhpw wrote

That person above completely dismissed the field of biomedical gerontology, scientists' decades of work because he or she saw a movie ysing the sour grapes tactic. And yet you didn't reply to them

No, medical research won't stop because a gamer from reddit thinks that dementia, cancer and heart disease for everyone should be the norm in the future so that Musk and Bezos age + die as well.


CuckoldMeTimbers t1_iuo7js3 wrote

Okay you just wanna argue about that and that wasn’t what I was talking about so have a good one.


Responsible-Hat5816 OP t1_iuob9lh wrote

My point is that just because it's fiction doesn't mean you should consider it the future or even likely.

The benefits of life extension outweigh the risks.


CuckoldMeTimbers t1_iup4anb wrote

and my point, for the millionth time, is that just because it’s fiction doesn’t mean you should write it off. We’re much closer in ideology than you realize, but you just want to argue with the original commenter and instead found me.


Responsible-Hat5816 OP t1_iuqgewv wrote

No, as opposed to you, I replied to the original commenter and your comment because I'm not biased.

Just because it's fiction doesn't mean shit. Not a single argument was made worth taking into consideration.

"Muh Altered Carbon!"