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caidicus t1_iv8w44g wrote

First rice, now soy beans. I like where this is going.

I wouldn't be surprised if they're already working on wheat.


[deleted] t1_iv9mzmz wrote



Words_Are_Hrad t1_ivaalja wrote

What possible reason would they have for doing that??? I get it the CCP is indeed a terrible government, but they do have reasons for doing what they do beyond "BE EVIL FOR NO REAOSON!!" I mean how fucking off the deep end are you that you would even think such comic book level villainy actually exists?? They do plenty of actual bad shit to try to spread their influence abroad and crack down on and control their own citizenry that you don't need to reach to such absurdities. All you accomplish is delegitimizing any arguments you make about it in the future by allowing them to be dismissed as coming from an ignorant sinophobe. Use your brain...


Doinkus-spud t1_ivan1k5 wrote

Whoa didn’t mean to hit a power cord. There’s plenty of evidence to suggest the CCP would reach this level of evilness. There’s millions of Uruguayans in concentration camps in china right now. Every bit of technology they have is the result of intellectual property theft. Forced labor camps, killing scientists who speak out, sending seeds of invasive plants to the heart of America to try and wipe out our crops, covid, 50-cent party, population control, 1 child rule…the list doesn’t stop there. So yeah, I do believe they are evil enough to genetically modify plants to kill people. I don’t care about downvotes either.


charlieisahorse t1_ivaw9ny wrote

You mean Uyghurs? Not Uruguayans. Wrong continent. Even if the western media isn’t lying for once there’s only a million people in reeducation camps. This is a mere third of the prison population in the US. The US uses forced labor every single day. No UN vote on human rights in the US though. There’s little evidence for this in China and it has been debunked repeatedly.

Intellectual property theft is not evil, it’s evil to hoard technology and ideas for the sole goal of profit. Technology should be used to benefit everyone.

The rest of the shit you said doesn’t even deserve recognition. Find any genuine source backing up anything you’re saying. It’s sad you let such bigotry reside in your mind without evidence.

It’s also quite bigoted to claim all their tech is stolen implying that their scientists are essentially fake or too dumb. Heaven forbid they try and feed more people, they obviously must be trying to kill us all. They’re actively trying to feed people in the Xinjiang province where the Uyghurs reside but you wouldn’t know that cause I doubt you even read the article or know anything further than “China bad cause news man say!”


kricket53 t1_ivt80gn wrote

Two different bad things can both be bad lollll

A million ppl In reeducation camps is absolutely fucked. so it the size of US prison population. Neither are justifiable and both need to be criticized and changed by the ppl who live there respectively.


ShihPoosRule t1_ivd7ecj wrote

I’ll trust the free media over State run media any day.


mutherhrg OP t1_ivg7crd wrote

I bet you probably love the BBC.


ShihPoosRule t1_ivg8em3 wrote

I do, then again it’s not under State editorial control as evidenced by how harsh its criticisms often are of the State.
