463DP t1_ivf486g wrote
Reply to comment by Loki-L in Humanoid robots could generate $154 billion in revenue over next 15 years, Goldman Sachs reports by Gari_305
Just imagine how rich a few people are going to get!
Fragrant-Career4727 t1_ivfsqm9 wrote
Just imagine how many people will be of no use now
[deleted] t1_ivh0wpi wrote
DavePastry t1_ivhmkao wrote
Wow that’s a really long comment
TheL0ngGame t1_ivls7en wrote
did you read it, or would you prefer i make a tik tok video?
DavePastry t1_ivlsl6v wrote
I think this particular comment calls out for a black and white xeroxed newsletter mailed out to a small but highly selective network of lone gunmen.
TheL0ngGame t1_ivlv4c1 wrote
reddit is just a gathering of people of think they are smart. all gathered in one space. dont know why i come here. good thing most of you are wasting your time here and not draining mental resources in the real world.
a future in front of screens is guaranteed for us all.
[deleted] t1_ivhmf67 wrote
BlastedRadience t1_ivi7mvw wrote
I read that in Mordin Souls’ voice
DionysiusRedivivus t1_ivjb6mq wrote
So West World basically
isavvi t1_ivjhtzs wrote
Ok so Crimes of the Future meets Westworld. Got it. Glad I’m checking out long before that.
TheL0ngGame t1_ivnrd5w wrote
Checking out? 😳
yyfiuf777g t1_ivfrmiv wrote
And how unemployed others will be
[deleted] t1_ivggcm4 wrote
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