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BCRE8TVE t1_ivkf5h4 wrote

>What would you prefer: Making 1 Trillion in net profit but giving 900 Billion in taxes to the government.

The problem is, companies will do everything they can to not pay taxes and keep all that profit to themselves.

I completely understand that companies can't get rich if there's no one to buy their products. But see, that's a problem for 10 years from now, and companies could get rich today, so they'll get the robots and worry about the other problems later.

>What does it matter if it costs a company 5 cents to build a car if there’s no people that can buy said car?

That's a problem for the next CEO to worry about after the current one has doubled the profits over 5 years and gotten a massive bonus when they finish their contract.

It's going to collectively drive humanity over a cliff, but businesses are in it to make money, not to prevent humanity from driving itself over a cliff.


YaAbsolyutnoNikto t1_ivkgl8j wrote

I whole-heartedly agree. It’s our job as citizens to change our governmental institutions to better suit the new age.

Will it happen? Probably not. We’ll probably go through chaos before a revolution happens and we start to live in some kind of utopia. Kind of sad, but that’s how humans work.

Except the french. The french are always protesting. Maybe they can save us 🤷‍♂️


BCRE8TVE t1_ivkiele wrote

Hahaha lol you know it's a dark day in history when we think "maybe the French can save us", and I say this as a guy with French grandparents ;)

But yeah I agree, some serious reforms are going to be needed, and they'll be needed about 20 years ago. There are rough times ahead for sure.