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fourpuns t1_ivvth2x wrote

Eh. This is like incredibly cost ineffective compared to just a small solar panel mounted on a post such as for a light. It’s a publicity stunt not a solution.


thorpie88 t1_ivw4ohx wrote

Which makes sense when you realise Telford is a new town in a part of the UK that is extremely old on average. While it did retain some important attractions like Ironbridge Gorge the town is a product of the 60's so it needs modern attractions like this for tourism.


fourpuns t1_ivw8c8v wrote

Sure… except I don’t know how many tourists come to a town to get there phones charged at a park bench.

This is probably designed by some local schools engineering department if it’s anything like where I live :p.

I’m certainly not saying it’s a bad thing just that this isnt some new thing we should be doing to all our paths.


thorpie88 t1_ivw9fsj wrote

It's not meant to be a single attraction to do that. It's meant to be a project to get people thinking about climate issues along with the wind turbines powering street lights.

It's giving the town national and international exposure and it may give people an added reason to visit the place because of it. No real difference to a town getting some exposure for a new art installation


ProFoxxxx t1_ivvw35s wrote

Eh. No shit, Einstein.

At least it involves physics, and not throwing custard at oil paintings.

We need radical scientists, not artists.


ghastkill t1_ivy5c3f wrote

Ah, another person who didn’t read beyond the headline. 👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼


ProFoxxxx t1_ivyaim9 wrote

I read it last night when drunk and high, what about it?

It's literally using physics you doughnut


ghastkill t1_ivyn0jk wrote

Was referring to you point about custard on the painting, but you probably missed that in your self confessed stupor. ✌️