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Soupjoe5 OP t1_iw08erv wrote



Walking, talking machines will soon act as guides, companions and deliverers

sked a question, Ameca fixes you with sapphire-blue eyes. Does that face contain a hint of a smile? “Yes, I am a robot”, is the reply. Another Ameca, standing nearby in a group of four, stares across inquisitively and tries to join in. “Currently, it’s the worst ever party guest,” says Will Jackson, Ameca’s creator. “It butts in on every conversation and never shuts up.”

Mr Jackson, boss of Engineered Arts, a small robotics company in Falmouth, south-west England, is trying to fix that problem. Those eyes contain cameras and the Amecas are being trained to recognise faces and decide who is paying attention or making eye contact during conversations. Teaching manners to robots in this way is another step in the long, complicated process of making humanlike machines that can live and work alongside people—and, importantly, do so safely. As Ameca and other robots show, great strides are being made towards this end.

Some big boys are also moving into the business. On September 30th Elon Musk, boss of Tesla, SpaceX and Twitter, unveiled Optimus, a clunky, faceless prototype that walked hesitantly on stage and waved to the crowd. It was built from readily available parts. A more refined version, using components designed by Tesla, was then wheeled on. Although it was not yet able to walk, Mr Musk said progress was being made and that in volume production its price could fall to around $20,000.

Every home should have one

That is a tenth of the cost of a basic Ameca. Mr Jackson, who attended Optimus’s unveiling, agrees prices will come down with mass production. (He has sold 11 Amecas so far, and plans to open a factory in America to boost output.) But he wonders what, exactly, Mr Musk is proposing. The unveiling featured a video of Optimus moving parts in a Tesla factory. Yet car factories are already filled with the world’s most successful robots—transporting components around, welding and painting parts, and assembling vehicles. These robots do not look like people because they don’t need to.

The reason for building a humanoid machine, Mr Jackson maintains, is to perform tasks that involve human interaction. With a bit of development Ameca might, for example, make a good companion for an elderly person—keeping an eye on them, telling them their favourite programme is about to appear on television and never getting bored with having to make repeated reminders to the forgetful. To that end, Engineered Arts aims to teach its robots to play board games, like chess. But only well enough so that they remain fallible, and can be beaten.

To interact successfully with people, Mr Jackson asserts, a robot needs a face. “The human face is the highest bandwidth communications tool we have,” he observes. “You can say more with an expression than you can with your voice.” Hence Ameca’s face, formed from an electronically animated latex skin, is very expressive.


Soupjoe5 OP t1_iw08jt6 wrote


Although the company, which has its origins in making animated figures for the entertainment industry, can construct highly realistic faces, Ameca’s phizog is designed deliberately to look how people might expect a robot from the world of science fiction to appear. It has a grey complexion, visible joints and no hair. It therefore avoids falling into the “uncanny valley”, an illusion that happens when an artificially created being shifts from looking clearly not human into something more real, but not quite real enough. At this point people feel disturbed by its appearance. Comfort levels rise again as similarity to a human becomes almost perfect.

Some roboticists do, however, seek such perfection. Besides assisting people, robots can also act as their avatar representatives. Ishiguro Hiroshi, director of the Intelligent Robotics Laboratory at Osaka University, in Japan, has built one in his own image. He recently unveiled another, which resembles Kono Taro, Japan’s digital minister. The idea is that people either speak through their avatar with their own voice, or through someone else’s voice modified to sound like them. Mr Kono’s avatar will, apparently, be used to stand in for the minister at public-relations functions.

Ameca could also work as an avatar. Though less humanlike, its conversation is more compelling. That loquaciousness comes from an external “brain” in the form of an ai program called a large language model. It interacts with this over a wi-fi connection and the Internet. Engineered Arts is also working on hardware and software to allow the latest developments in computer vision to be incorporated quickly into its robots. And, as Mr Jackson readily admits, Ameca needs work in other areas, too. Asked if it can walk, the robot replies: “Unfortunately not, but I hope to soon. Until then I am bolted to the floor.” A set of experimental legs stands ready in a nearby corner.

Different strokes

Different companies are coming from different directions in their approaches to making humanoid robots. Mr Jackson, born into a family of artists involved in automatons, gravitated naturally towards producing modern versions of them for the likes of theme parks, museums and the film industry. These have steadily evolved in sophistication. Some work as interactive guides. Others are used as research platforms by universities. During the covid lockdown, when business dried up, the firm threw all of its resources at developing Ameca, its most advanced model yet.

Other developers, like Tesla, are able to organise far bigger efforts—but not always successfully, as the case of Honda, a Japanese carmaker, shows. At one point, Honda’s diminutive humanoid robot asimo was considered the world’s most advanced. The firm started work on this project in the 1980s, and although asimo could walk—albeit clumsily—interpret voice commands and move objects, Honda shut the project down in 2018 to concentrate instead on more practical forms of robotics, such as mobility devices for the elderly.


Soupjoe5 OP t1_iw08nhl wrote


Other roboticists have turned a hobby into a business. Shadow Robot, a firm in London that makes one of the most dexterous human-like robot hands available, traces its roots to hobbyists meeting in the attic of its founder’s home. Most robot developers, however, have emerged from universities. One of the best known is Boston Dynamics, which began at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Atlas, its Hulk-like humanoid, has become an Internet video sensation—running, jumping and performing backflips. But Atlas is principally a research project, and at present would be too expensive to put into production. The company does sell a walking robot, but it is a four-legged one called Spot, which resembles a dog.

One of a bipedal robot’s advantages is that it should, in principle, be able to go wherever a person can. That includes navigating uneven surfaces and walking up and down steps. Digit, made by Agility Robotics of Corvallis, Oregon, is actually able to do this.

Digit is based on a walking torso called Cassie, which was developed at Oregon State University using machine-leaning studies of human locomotion. It set a world record in May as the fastest robot to run 100 metres. (It did so in 24.7 seconds, some way behind Usain Bolt’s 9.6.)

Unlike Cassie, Digit has a chest, arms and hands of a sort—though no fingers. In place of a head it has a lidar, an optical analogue of radar that builds up a three-dimensional model of the world around it using lasers. Digit is not designed to be humanoid, says Jonathan Hurst, Agility’s Chief Technology Officer. It is, rather, a “human-centric” robot intended as a tool for people to use to achieve more things.

One of Digit’s first roles is likely to be in a distribution centre run by an online retailer or freight company. Some already use automated goods-handling, but usually in areas fenced off to keep people out, in order to avoid injuries. Elsewhere, tasks remain labour intensive. By being designed to work safely alongside people, Digit could start changing this—for instance, by moving and stacking crates. It could then progress to unloading trucks. Eventually, it might even make home deliveries, carrying items from a van to the doorstep. Ultimately, the aim is for a user to be able to instruct the robot by talking to it.


Soupjoe5 OP t1_iw08scy wrote


Agility plans to produce Digit in volume by 2024. It is working with several big, though unnamed, delivery outfits, on ways in which Digit could work safely with people. If someone is detected by the robot’s sensors it pauses and then navigates around him or her. Nevertheless, says Dr Hurst, the robot will soon acquire a simplified face to help signal its intentions. An animated set of eyes, for instance, will look in a particular direction to indicate which way it is heading, and a glance at someone will show it has detected them.

Do no harm

Such safety systems will be needed for robots to interact successfully with people. At present, the use of robots is governed mainly by standard safety and product liability rules. Some argue, though, that special robot-specific laws will be required to ensure they are operated safely. As every scifi buff knows, Isaac Asimov laid out a set of these eight decades ago. They are:

• A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

• A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

• A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.

But, as every scifi buff also knows, Azimov’s storylines often revolve around these laws not quite working as planned.

About his Digits, Dr Hurst says, “My opinion is that they are very safe. But we need real statistics and a regulatory environment to prove this.”

For his part, Mr Musk said that Optimus would contain a device that could be used as an off switch if necessary. Although the robot itself would be connected to wi-fi, the switch would not, so that it was isolated to prevent remote interference.

As far as the Amecas’ safety is concerned, Mr Jackson is taking an engineering approach. He observes that one reason human limbs avoid injuring others is by being firm and floppy at the same time. Unfortunately, the small, powerful actuators needed to emulate this in robots do not yet exist. He is working on that, though, for it will be of little use teaching an Ameca social graces if it then commits the faux pas of bashing into you.


SaintLogic t1_iw0ca3c wrote

Would I drop half a million on a artificial wife... Yes... Will I be happy about it... Sure.

My future organic wife will probably be upset about it.


FuturologyBot t1_iw0cvc2 wrote

The following submission statement was provided by /u/Soupjoe5:



Walking, talking machines will soon act as guides, companions and deliverers

sked a question, Ameca fixes you with sapphire-blue eyes. Does that face contain a hint of a smile? “Yes, I am a robot”, is the reply. Another Ameca, standing nearby in a group of four, stares across inquisitively and tries to join in. “Currently, it’s the worst ever party guest,” says Will Jackson, Ameca’s creator. “It butts in on every conversation and never shuts up.”

Mr Jackson, boss of Engineered Arts, a small robotics company in Falmouth, south-west England, is trying to fix that problem. Those eyes contain cameras and the Amecas are being trained to recognise faces and decide who is paying attention or making eye contact during conversations. Teaching manners to robots in this way is another step in the long, complicated process of making humanlike machines that can live and work alongside people—and, importantly, do so safely. As Ameca and other robots show, great strides are being made towards this end.

Some big boys are also moving into the business. On September 30th Elon Musk, boss of Tesla, SpaceX and Twitter, unveiled Optimus, a clunky, faceless prototype that walked hesitantly on stage and waved to the crowd. It was built from readily available parts. A more refined version, using components designed by Tesla, was then wheeled on. Although it was not yet able to walk, Mr Musk said progress was being made and that in volume production its price could fall to around $20,000.

Every home should have one

That is a tenth of the cost of a basic Ameca. Mr Jackson, who attended Optimus’s unveiling, agrees prices will come down with mass production. (He has sold 11 Amecas so far, and plans to open a factory in America to boost output.) But he wonders what, exactly, Mr Musk is proposing. The unveiling featured a video of Optimus moving parts in a Tesla factory. Yet car factories are already filled with the world’s most successful robots—transporting components around, welding and painting parts, and assembling vehicles. These robots do not look like people because they don’t need to.

The reason for building a humanoid machine, Mr Jackson maintains, is to perform tasks that involve human interaction. With a bit of development Ameca might, for example, make a good companion for an elderly person—keeping an eye on them, telling them their favourite programme is about to appear on television and never getting bored with having to make repeated reminders to the forgetful. To that end, Engineered Arts aims to teach its robots to play board games, like chess. But only well enough so that they remain fallible, and can be beaten.

To interact successfully with people, Mr Jackson asserts, a robot needs a face. “The human face is the highest bandwidth communications tool we have,” he observes. “You can say more with an expression than you can with your voice.” Hence Ameca’s face, formed from an electronically animated latex skin, is very expressive.

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BruceHoratioWayne t1_iw0ecec wrote

Why do I get this suspicion that Blade Runners will become a thing soon?


weirdgroovynerd t1_iw0fl2p wrote

Think of all the awesome information a robot like this could hold.

Thousands of recipes, massage techniques, house cleaning, Etc.


dontcareitsonlyreddi t1_iw0fn3l wrote

Good, I want them to get closer just so it will make all the redditors who don’t want this more upsets.


nelsne t1_iw0izvg wrote

That's what I'm saying man. I wonder if you can have sex with the robots? Also we can't make my future robotic wife too realistic or she'll leave me when I run out of money? Is the robot going to create tinder profiles that match with me and then unmatch me out of nowhere for no reason? Is the robot going to go to the club all decked out and dressed up and then when I try to approach it in clubs, it's fellow lady robot friends will tell me to go away, "Because it's ladies night out?" We can't make these things too realistic!


7andhalf-x-6 t1_iw0jk1f wrote

The ai revolution will probably be triggered by robots tired of getting fucked


universalrifle t1_iw0tcxe wrote

Using Alexa for the hive minds of these humanoid robots would be ideal since she/they have a lot of the data that has already been recorded by humans. I hope this comment is long enough since there is more than one sentence. I didn't know that there was a word limit 😳


WookieBugger t1_iw0y06n wrote

Yawn. Wake me up when they figure out how to put pants on two legs at a time


ihateshadylandlords t1_iw127g8 wrote

I feel like humanoid robots are like FSD cars and fusion in the sense that they’re always 30 years away. That being said, I hope I’m wrong and humanoid rub-and-tug bots become a thing soon.


livingincr t1_iw1hs66 wrote

Yep, Elon showed just how far they’ve come. Although, Boston Dynamics/Hyundai robots are damn cool


Alien_Fruit t1_iw1xq54 wrote

Why is it that this possibility -- of "OWNING" such a human-like entity such a shameful behavior, and yet so desirable to have a constant helpful companion, and still yet so terrifying that the thing will turn around and kill me without a second thought -- why is it so complex!?


KDamage t1_iw27q3i wrote

The "robot as an avatar" part is something really interesting I've never thought about as yes, like most of us, the first thing that comes to mind is personal care.

But if we think about it, a true personal assistant would have a lot of wonderful uses : you would "send" your insanely beautiful looking android (beautiful can be anything, from gorgeous to super stylish), packed with a refined communication module, as a representative for all basic social tasks.

Search for a better job, negociate a better price for a furniture or acquisition, meet real estate agencies, team leading assistant at work, be a top host for your receptions at home, etc. I can already see a lot of leverage for people who either don't have the time or adequate skills for all of these.

Basically it would be the equivalent of having a multi-field personal agent doubled with a high representative value. I'm not sure I would be the target audience but there's indeed a booming market waiting to happen. And of course inducing some weird situations like android-to-android negociations, but whatever. Some people could clearly benefit a lot from it. Social exchange privileges wouldn't be reserved to attractive or overly skilled people anymore. It would be available to the masses.

Strange but interesting days ahead indeed. Also yes, I've played Detroit Become Human and really loved the questions it raised.


FireTrickle t1_iw2f5b7 wrote

That’s all a lot of effort to what will eventually lead to guys sticking there dicks in


DyingShell t1_iw2pl58 wrote

Elon was a massive dissapointment, their larger version couldn't even walk LMAO, they had to roll it onto the scene and it did some cringe moves and then off it went. Also the videos they showed were all edited and cut at various points, it wasn't one seamless video...


DyingShell t1_iw2pshb wrote

call me when a robot can throw me on the bed and fuck my ass, otherwise I'm not interested.


OffEvent28 t1_iw7kpji wrote

The whole point of putting a face on your humanoid race is to fool the real humans into think the device is "more human like" than it is. A psychological ploy.


SB-121 t1_iw7s8n1 wrote

Well the last 200 years of no slavery has been a bit of anomaly in human history so it's not unexpected we'd try and bring it back.