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-Ch4s3- t1_iw7zhgj wrote

> They are the ancestors of many of the cultivated plants used today

They're really descendants of the ancestors of modern crops, wild cousins if you will.


beebo_bebop t1_iw9fgay wrote

& that’s still assuming no gene flow btwn wild & cultivated populations && that collected germplasm is actually wild rather than feralized


-Ch4s3- t1_iw9l4yi wrote

Which would be hard to determine


beebo_bebop t1_iw9qjkf wrote

difficult//tedious but not impossible. more recent ferals should be pretty easy to distinguish through population structure analysis so long as someone takes the time to genotype them and run the statistics.

figuring out that an accession was influenced by humans then escaped cultivation to continue as a feral for 8k years is more challenging but still possible, especially with wheat since we have genomic data from archaeological finds


-Ch4s3- t1_iw9thoa wrote

Yeah, tedious is what I was thinking.