Submitted by izumi3682 t3_yyaiju in Futurology
MisterEChops t1_iwt9hnp wrote
This is a net positive for the world.
Also I love seeing people cry about this stuff.
FuturologyBot t1_iwtb87r wrote
The following submission statement was provided by /u/izumi3682:
Submission statement from OP. Note: This submission statement "locks in" after about 30 minutes, and can no longer be edited. Please refer to my statement they link, which I can continue to edit. I often edit my submission statement, sometimes for the next few days if needs must. There is often required additional grammatical editing and additional added detail.
From the article.
>...this week the FDA granted the company the first approval needed to bring its meat to consumers.
>The approval is called a No Questions letter and means that after conducting a thorough evaluation the FDA concluded that Upside’s poultry is safe to eat. The letter doesn’t apply to all of the company’s products, only to its cultured chicken for now; additional offerings will have to undergo the same FDA evaluation process.
>“This milestone marks a major step towards a new era in meat production, and I’m thrilled that US consumers will soon have the chance to eat delicious meat that’s grown directly from animal cells,” said Dr. Uma Valeti, Upside’s CEO and founder.
The test is simple. If it tastes good and "feels" right, in my mouth, I'm gonna eat it.
But if airport/movie theater prices are involved, then I buy whatever (farm or lab) is cheapest. I would hope the ultimate goal of lab grown meat is "post-scarcity". Free food for everyone on Earth.
Please reply to OP's comment here:
QualityKoalaTeacher t1_iwtdd2w wrote
Fact is if they start using it in kfc and chickfila sandwhiches and no one notices a difference it will replace factory farmed chicken which is the best outcome of this whole scenario
MuhammedJahleen t1_iwtkrbm wrote
Ehh kfc chicken is ass so that’s not really a good statement
nulliusansverba t1_iwtkv2n wrote
How do you figure?
USA alone hatches over 10 billion chickens a year.
Wholesale you're looking at under a buck a pound.
You really think this stuff with limited supply is going to compete?
How about Olympic sized pools. So do you realize how many of those it would take in equivalent vats to produce 10 billion chickens worth of meat?
How much energy and resources?
You think you can make something more efficient than biology? Hahaha.
Internet people are so hopelessly detached from reality.
QualityKoalaTeacher t1_iwtla5j wrote
> You think you can make something more efficient than biology? Hahaha.
Yes its called scientific advancement.
Ever heard of synthetic compounds?
Do you think vitamin supplements are made of crushed up plants?
[deleted] t1_iwtld2j wrote
QualityKoalaTeacher t1_iwtlgpx wrote
It sells though and what sells usually ends up selling more of that thing
nulliusansverba t1_iwtlpar wrote
How sadistic. Do you enjoy torturing all animals? Or just get your kicks vicariously?
MisterEChops t1_iwtlrel wrote
How did you misunderstand my comment so badly?
Try reading.
MisterEChops t1_iwtnqou wrote
Maybe where you’re from.
When it’s good here in Australia, it’s pretty hard to beat
nulliusansverba t1_iwtoyze wrote
Right.... You enjoyLOVE farmers losing their livelihoods and want to eat rubber chicken.
nulliusansverba t1_iwtp56y wrote
Aren't you a delightful mix of loose screws and missing marbles.
MisterEChops t1_iwtpbtd wrote
This is the weirdest hill to die on.
You don’t have many friends, do you?
fakkov t1_iwtpyy9 wrote
Farmers have one of the most valuable assets you can hold; land.
When this hopefully takes off it just means they have to adapt and change their produce, y’know, like they have done for thousands of years.
Dicketarian t1_iwtsusv wrote
Lmao with all that’s seriously wrong with our food today, the idea that anyone here could celebrate something like this is beyond me. No amount of FDA certification will make me feel comfortable eating lab-grown meat.
captainnoyaux t1_iwtud9w wrote
I don't know but most of the meat is grown in trash conditions and fed with bad stuf, yet you still eat thoses. It's extremely difficult and costly to get high quality meat (something that lives freely and not grain fed)
Dicketarian t1_iwtuqql wrote
I’m all for reforming feed lots and the like, but you cannot compare a chicken on a bad diet to fake chicken. We have no idea what the consequences will be. Nutritional science is barely on top of their shit at all. We barely understand what the food we eat now really does on a whole system level.
Doctors have done literally nothing but negative shit to my body with the meds they gave me, when all I needed was a better diet. Something they still don’t understand…Like at all. But sure. Eat lab grown meat. You can be the Guinea pig on this one and I’ll just watch. I’ll go vegetarian before I eat this shit.
[deleted] t1_iwtwu66 wrote
How can you be so confidently stupid?
[deleted] t1_iwtwy1r wrote
The science deniers sub is somewhere else.
Dicketarian t1_iwtxbav wrote
Do you know a single thing about nutritional science? Do you know how inconsistent it is? Do you understand that, scientifically, we have a long way to go to fully understand how any of these things really impact the body?
I have a degree in neuroscience, and along with that degree came a healthy awareness for just how incomplete our understanding is when it comes to the body.
Also, you literally sound like a religious zealot. Actually study science and you will see it is not only rife with dissent, but dissent is encouraged in genuine scientific settings. It’s not pushed as some neo-religion like Redditors do. Because real science only works in a forum of free idea exchange, not this petty “if you don’t agree with the observations of another scientist then you are a science denier.” That’s what religious folk do.
protoman888 t1_iwu3ppu wrote
it does actually seem like they are doing well and trending towards price parity with chicken meat from an animal... the question is if they scale up production will it be a linear decrease in price/weight or will there be decreasing returns to scale.
anecdotal_yokel t1_iwu4xkk wrote
Are you Mennonite? Do you ride a horse to work instead of car/train/bus/telework? Do you travel abroad using only sailed vessels? Do you only source your ice from frozen freshwater lakes? Do you not eat food produced using fertilizer? (Not to mention literal GMOs) Do you think modern chickens aren’t heavily bioengineered to be unnaturally large and grow at an unnatural pace? Even the current chicken producing industry took 50 years to get to where it is now. But you think that this new industry needs to be up to the same levels as soon as they are approved… what an intellectually dishonest argument.
xtrylanx t1_iwu86q6 wrote
Wait until he discovers that fertilizers are artificial
LustigerVampir t1_iwuivfm wrote
Takes one to know one.
t0tezevadin t1_iwujuve wrote
The rich will laugh as you willingly eat the slop they made as a joke while they continue to eat real food.
t0tezevadin t1_iwuk7c9 wrote
This is a cattlebrained take as the masses are poisoned by toxic food and endocrine disruptors the "science" said was safe.
The "science" is fallible human institutions relaying human opinions regarding things we readily admit we understand nothing about - the human body.
Enjoy your seed oils and be sure not to eat eggs, the cholesterol gives you a stroke or something. Trust the science, right?
[deleted] t1_iwuoh3g wrote
I’m a specialized engineer, R&D nuclear/military/chemical.
Oh I agree with your skepticism, but your wording comes off as crazy. You could express healthy skepticism of this with much more tact, so I’m very surprised someone at your level has your grammar, which is rudimentary, so people are assuming you’re not very smart. It’s the subtext to your comments.
If you word more carefully, and stick to short specific skepticism, you’ll be received better. You criticized the progress of science in general, which is odd to do. Not specifically the uncertainty.
any1particular t1_iwupj3p wrote
This is great news because:
Meat accounts for nearly 60% of all greenhouse gases from food production, study finds:
pale_blue_dots t1_iwusaar wrote
Not sure why you feel the need to be so pompous and egotistical. It's really off-putting and embarrassing.
Anyway, you may be right in some respects, at least in the short term. Though, the energy needed to produce/grow, say, 1/3 of a chicken versus 1/1 chicken - that's to say only the muscles and not the brain and other organs, which require a ton of energy, is another way to look at it - and why it will eventually reduce the energy needed.
[deleted] t1_iwuzxfc wrote
Is this place getting flooded by crazy anti-gmo people or something?
smokedmeatfish t1_iwv3dg0 wrote
I'm skeptical about eating any GMO or lab grown food. This food needs to be labeled as labgrown so people can make the decision to eat it or not, consciously.
WannabeTraveler87 t1_iwv5hv6 wrote
You brain damaged or something?
ThinkInTermsOfEnergy t1_iwvbsz5 wrote
I seriously hope that is not the case. I hope it doesn't have to be labeled so the world can gain a net positive and it doesn't get slowed down by a bunch of retards that don't understand basic science.
angelcobra t1_iwvc8fm wrote
Could this technology be used on longer space flights to the moon and beyond?
smokedmeatfish t1_iwvedox wrote
Basic science? It doesn't get any more basic than the natural growth cycle of living animals.
mhornberger t1_iwvqiie wrote
You can tailor the feedstock to any nutritional profile you like. They won't be growing the whole chicken, because they have no use of the GI tract, eyes, feathers, etc. This is why cultured meat has such a higher feed conversion ratio, meaning higher efficiency.
mhornberger t1_iwvqubj wrote
- Chemical safety benefits of cultured meat
- Food safety benefits of cultured meat
I suspect companies will be quite willing to label and market their meat as being lab-grown, i.e. not slaughtered. No chance of fecal contamination, to name just one problem with conventional, slaughtered meat. I suspect "guaranteed shit-free meat" will be more marketable than "just make sure you wash it to get all the e.coli (i.e. feces) out, and it's totally fine" meat we're used to.
Fun-Mail5667 t1_iwxdwdp wrote
No it doesn’t. Their head of regulatory did an interview and said they’re working in a hybrid project, it’s no surprise that this will be a pea protein X some chicken cells maybe.
They state they’re product is differentiated chicken cells into myocytes (muscle) and fibroblast. There’s no mention of adipose. Later their head of regulatory in an interview said that the combo of muscle and skin cells has comparable fat inherent when processed to equal the fat content of a store bought chicken breast. That makes no sense.
They don’t have FDA approval either. There’s a lot of false headlines regarding what happened here.
The FDA has no questions “at this time.” There’s never mention of approval. They’ve just said nothing basically.
The document submitted was upside’s own assessment of their process which was reviewed by the FDA.
They still need FDA approval. And USDA approval.
One of the most interesting aspects of the FDA/Upside documents is how they state that bovine, porcine, and chicken origin particles “may be present,” as they use serum from chickens, trypsin from porcine, and claim there’s residual bovine matter from other things.
Additionally you’ll see that upside never states FDA approval themselves but “no questions letter” throughout social media so their legal team is clearly active.
What really grabbed me was the potential hazards they state in their document including incorrect animal source origin.
But yea, it reads like this was on the heels of the Biden climate act clause and other stuff going on in Egypt right now at the conference
Fun-Mail5667 t1_iwxepoy wrote
This is the problem with science right now. Maybe the person above kind of came too hard. As a scientist instead of putting them down, you address the concerns the person has and talk to them like a human being with the knowledge you have to educate them.
If you’ve read the FDA’s documents on the Upside cell line submission, there’s a lot of questions to the validity of all of this, which makes sense, as the FDA hasn’t signed off, they just don’t have questions at this time. This is the beginning. There has not been any approval or assessment of any product. Headline in the media are very misleading and the owner of twitters brother is an investor.
They’ve also been backing off, as has the whole industry, in the ability to scale. There were a lot of companies who made big claims about their tech and are now changing their names/rebranding quietly and staying scalability is “obviously years away”
Chastising ppl just because they come to strong with their assumed opinions is what created vaccine denial. Not dumb ppl. It’s the ppl with knowledge that chose to high brow ppl because they couldn’t explain the science and just wanted people to agree with them because…science is full of a bunch of smug assholes nowadays.
Fun-Mail5667 t1_iwxexkr wrote
Also the language on immortalization is unclear and if they are using crispr, they should be subject to human clinical trials prior to any approval
[deleted] t1_iwy0yn8 wrote
nulliusansverba t1_iwy1jm0 wrote
I'm just cynical.
nulliusansverba t1_iwy22fq wrote
So give me the answer, jackass.
How much energy and resources are needed to vat grow 10 billion chickens worth of meat?
Let me guess. You can't answer it. Stoopid.
this_dudeagain t1_iwy24uh wrote
Lots of crazies have degrees.
this_dudeagain t1_iwy2atq wrote
Even the farm and meat lobby have trolls it seems.
Dicketarian t1_iwy3pcc wrote
Wow, great argument. Really got me there lmao
this_dudeagain t1_iwy4zrp wrote
Just waiting for you to start talking about vampires and werewolves.
Dicketarian t1_iwy5ac9 wrote
Oh yes. Because having an opinion in science is the same as believing in monsters. Sure, I’m the crazy one. Your lack of scientific understanding is painfully obvious now.
Look, I’m not interested in arguing with religious zealots, so have a nice life.
ThislittlePiggyhas t1_iwzvbqo wrote
The planet 🌎 will spit us off - when it is ready - but I WILL NOT EAT THAT CRAP -
captainnoyaux t1_ix7jge4 wrote
Yeah I understand what you are saying, it could be better and it could be worse too ! We'll need some research and trials to see how it affects us
IndyDude11 t1_ixd69o6 wrote
Beats eating bugs, for sure.
milliAmpere14 t1_ixvrx55 wrote
I'm with ya. It ain't knowingly crossing my lips EVER !!.
There is an order to the life cycle and frankly, this is going tooo far. I wonder how long it'll take the idiots to realise that this bullshit will do more harm than good to the human organism ??
Something about it gives me an Icarus kinda vibe.
[deleted] t1_ixvslsk wrote
milliAmpere14 t1_ixvvmuz wrote
I'm reading all this lab grown meat bullshit and all it sort of reminds me of is the whole 'madcow disease' business.
I don't think the supporters of tjis really realise just how precarious this path can be. We could start eating this bullshit and next thing you know, two to three generations later children are being born with more defects than any other time in human history. This shit could make people insane....
There is a natural order to life and how lifeforms get sustenance from nature. This should be approved only after a multigenerational study, spanning at least 60 years. The long term effects of this can be very very very precarious.
And the idiots that are just saying and preaching "science !! science !!", they are in my opinion being reductive (to put it mildly).
[deleted] t1_ixvwgy6 wrote
Dicketarian t1_ixwnml9 wrote
Yep. You nailed it. And they act that way because science today is the new religion, which is exactly the opposite of what science is supposed to be. If you mock someone for dissenting against research, you are inherently not a scientist. Most of these people are uneducated sheep who just believe what the nightly news tells them.
milliAmpere14 t1_ixyk6t3 wrote
😅 I consider myself a science nut, sorta.
izumi3682 OP t1_iwt7yxd wrote
Submission statement from OP. Note: This submission statement "locks in" after about 30 minutes, and can no longer be edited. Please refer to my statement they link, which I can continue to edit. I often edit my submission statement, sometimes for the next few days if needs must. There is often required additional grammatical editing and additional added detail.
From the article.
>...this week the FDA granted the company the first approval needed to bring its meat to consumers.
>The approval is called a No Questions letter and means that after conducting a thorough evaluation the FDA concluded that Upside’s poultry is safe to eat. The letter doesn’t apply to all of the company’s products, only to its cultured chicken for now; additional offerings will have to undergo the same FDA evaluation process.
>“This milestone marks a major step towards a new era in meat production, and I’m thrilled that US consumers will soon have the chance to eat delicious meat that’s grown directly from animal cells,” said Dr. Uma Valeti, Upside’s CEO and founder.
The test is simple. If it tastes good and "feels" right, in my mouth, I'm gonna eat it.
But if airport/movie theater prices are involved, then I buy whatever (farm or lab) is cheapest. I would hope the ultimate goal of lab grown meat is "post-scarcity". Free food for everyone on Earth.