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Ok-disaster2022 t1_iwxawno wrote

Ethanol corns aren't necessarily even edible for humans. Significant crops are grown for livestock feed anyway.


Qbr12 t1_iwxwy5u wrote

Ethanol-bound corn crops might not be the tastiest, but they're far from inedible. Most of it is field corn, which is hard to process by the gut but can be eaten if ground up (such as in corn meal and corn flour).[1]


JusticiarRebel t1_iwyip25 wrote

Even if it isn't tasty, does it matter? If the ethanol bound crop isn't being used for ethanol, you can grow another crop on that land. It's not like a mine where you can only extract the mineral that happens to exist there.


Neumo500 t1_iwxpt5g wrote

No, corn is corn. There may be some gmo stuff to make it better for being turned into ethanol but it’s still edible

Edit: ethanol comes from field corn rather than sweet corn. It’s edible but doesn’t taste great, this is the stuff that gets heavily processed into stuff like corn syrup
