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[deleted] t1_ix2x5ih wrote

...isn’t the beginning of this from a RADIOHEAD SONG?? I am a dieHARD fan and I just need you to admit it🤣


et133et t1_ix3ns03 wrote

Die hard fan and doesn't know the first two words are the name of the song.


[deleted] t1_ix3x1k4 wrote

SCREAM....I don’t know sarcasm without screaming I don’t know sarcasm. 🙄

How heavy are the testes of Yorke on your chin mate???

Relax sweetheart


et133et t1_ix449ao wrote

Damn dude let me get some of those drugs you're using.


[deleted] t1_ix4c42m wrote

Imagine being a shady under someone else’s shit, and then further lifting up your dress to show everyone your heels are dug into the ground??

Make it make sense....

Just say that you are one of those incels, that can’t take a joke, can’t understand sarcasm and your lack of real relationships is clouding your small brain...