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Jnorean t1_iycw0dy wrote

Cool design. Looks like a two seater with little or no luggage space. Range with electric cars is always an issue. Anyone know the range when fully charged? Small batteries seem to imply limited range.


DazedWithCoffee t1_iycwscf wrote

Assuming you’ll need about 2KW of power for this size (e bike kits usually go up to 1kW) and those solar panels can provide about 150W (curved panels are dogshit) you’ll probably get 100miles out of this thing tops. You could probably expect to gain a mile of range per hour with full sun. This thing is another solarpunk pipe dream.


blinkyleds t1_iyd0u8x wrote

It is a two seater. They offer different battery sizes. They claim up to 1000 miles on a charge with the largest battery.


seanflyon t1_iye8gtk wrote

2 seater with lots of luggage space and 1000 miles range with the largest battery option + 40 miler per day of solar in full sun with the full solar package though that blocks the rear window.