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VegetableWishbone t1_iye3bi6 wrote

I am not quoting average price, for EV to take over it needs to be cheaper than ICE, majority of people aren’t incentivized to pay more to save the environment.


seanflyon t1_iye62ua wrote

EVs are a lot cheaper to operate. Electricity is cheaper than gas.


borgendurp t1_iyedy2x wrote

Cool. But here where people don't just lend money everytime they want a car, cost to enter is a prohibiting factor.


seanflyon t1_iyeerby wrote

Cost to enter is obviously an issue, but EVs don't have to be cheaper than ICE vehicles to be more appealing. Different people place different values on future money vs current money, but only the extremely stupid/incompetent place zero value on future money. If a car saves you $20k over it's lifetime you might only be willing to pay an extra $10k for that. If you are particularly short sighted you might only pay $5k. People who don't qualify for a ~$30k car loan are probably shouldn't buy a new car anyway.


phatelectribe t1_iyekgoz wrote

They don’t need to be cheaper, just the same price or even slightly more given the running costs and maintenance are far far lower (no filter changes, no oil changes, no timing or fan belts, etc etc). People will spend more upfront because over the life of the car they spend far less. That why prius became so popular - they were $10k more than the same ICE car but you saved $20k in gas over the 5-10 years you owned it.


radicalceleryjuice t1_iye8cve wrote

That’s going to change as climate shocks get worse. People will start to group organize as they become alarmed about their kids


BadMedAdvice t1_iyerf31 wrote

Really? The "will, it's a lake in the desert, what did you expect" people are going to respond to climate change before its far beyond too late to matter?