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OptimalConcept143 t1_ixdmwgu wrote

This is the same company that irresponsibly tells people to recycle their dirty pizza boxes.


Anon324Teller t1_ixdsu09 wrote

Yeah, I was confused when I saw their packaging say that. You don’t recycle greasy cardboard, you put it in the trash


austinmiles t1_ixdth9w wrote

It can be composted if you have municipal composting. So that’s nice at least


GoneIn61Seconds t1_ixdu7ty wrote

Isn’t grease bad for compost piles? We avoid putting it in ours


austinmiles t1_ixdus9e wrote

Not in that amount. Municipal compost can also handle things like meat and bones. They mulch everything first which is why the compostable plastic works for them.

For smaller home compost I would probably not put any real trash in other than newspaper. Mostly because it dilutes the nutrients since its functionally sterile. We used to do lots of coffee, some citrus, small meat scraps, and newspapers layers in our vermiculture bin and it was CRAZY how fast they would run through everything. It was the richest compost I have ever seen.