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PM_ME_A_PLANE_TICKET t1_ixdquy5 wrote

$1/delivery * 100 deliveries/day/vehicle * 7 * 50 (2 weeks off for various repairs or slow days over the year, = $35,000.

New Chevy bolt price: $25k? 27?

However that includes no upkeep... tires alone are like like 1-3K/year...

Maybe it's a good move?


BlackDawn07 t1_ixdr5ax wrote

Mileage is 2$ a delivery.

And I'm sure dominos got a significant discount on the cars.


Jeebusify119 t1_ixe3man wrote

I used to work at dominos a few years back. Our fee was $3 and I got less than half of that. It's location dependent and it changes depending on a fuel pricing index.


BlackDawn07 t1_ixe45yu wrote

Seems about right. I live in SoCal so 5.99$ is pretty unsurprising.


Jeebusify119 t1_ixe4hac wrote

Oh they're charging 6 up here now. I wouldn't be surprised if the driver got 2 of that. I have never worked anywhere than pinched pennies as hard as that org does.


BlackDawn07 t1_ixe4qlj wrote

It's not just dominos. Papa John's was just as bad when I worked for them. I was assistant manager and only made 50 cents more than the regular


Jeebusify119 t1_ixe4zla wrote

Lol. Yeah, they offered me a shift lead position for .10 over minimum wage. I wasn't about to hop off the road for more labor and half the pay.


BlackDawn07 t1_ixe552p wrote

100%. I only did it for a couple years before switching to driver. Was honestly a super chill gig. Having money in my pocket after every shift was great too.


Jeebusify119 t1_ixe5js0 wrote

Driving is where it was at. Every now and then I miss that job. But yeah fuck the big corporate guys, they treat everybody like a replaceable cog.


BlackDawn07 t1_ixe76v3 wrote

I feel you on missing it. I make much more money overall where I am now...but there was always something freeing about not having really any responsibility and being able to spend most of your shift in your car blasting the radio.


PM_ME_A_PLANE_TICKET t1_ixdrcpm wrote

are you sure? delivery fee is $2 that doesn't necessarily all go to the driver, I've never worked at doms, though so I'm not sure how they do it.


BlackDawn07 t1_ixdrlvz wrote

Unsure of where you live but delivery for me at dominos is 5.99.

I worked at a papa John's for 7 years and mileage then was $1.50 and that was 7 years ago.


PM_ME_A_PLANE_TICKET t1_ixdrx4y wrote

maybe I've been out of the game too long lol. $5.99 delivery fee!?!? we're not talking door dash here, that's straight from the horses ass? domino's just straight up charges $6 per delivery?


Calexander3103 t1_ixevpfh wrote

Tires are 1-3k/yr??? I know I’m not a delivery driver, but that’s swapping my tires 2-6 times per year, and getting reasonable tires. Seems kind of excessive to me, but maybe I’m not swapping my tires often enough.


PM_ME_A_PLANE_TICKET t1_ixezkxa wrote

Delivery drivers put a lot of miles through tires quickly. I did change tires twice a year when I was doing delivery, that's what I based that off of @ $150/tire


Unasked_for_advice t1_ixe4l4z wrote

Upkeep? You must be dreaming to think they will actually spend money on that.


redingerforcongress OP t1_ixe85dg wrote

Other than new tires, there isn't upkeep

Coolant flush after 250k miles [after the battery is dead?]


PM_ME_A_PLANE_TICKET t1_ixez3hc wrote

It's a car driven by various young people that is owned by their employer that they probably have little respect for. There will be upkeep.


PM_ME_A_PLANE_TICKET t1_ixez72n wrote

If not, the cars are no longer useful and the entire initiative will have been a complete waste.


redingerforcongress OP t1_ixe7vg9 wrote

Alright, let's do better math;

> According to a pizza delivery driver from Ohio, drivers can average “around 80–120 miles on your car per night

Let's estimate 100 miles per night;

Milage is $0.625 / mile; personal vehicle ownership assumes only 260 working days whereas fleet car is operating 360

Cost of milage for personal car [260 days]: $16,250

Cost of milage for personal car [360 days]: $22,500

Cost of milage for personal car [1800 days]: ~$112,500 [we assume this number is not accurate given that change in milage]

Each night, Dominos fleet major expense is electricity, which at residential rates of $0.10 / kwh, that'd be ~$2.85 / night / car [3.5 kw / mile, 100 miles / night]

Battery durability should allow for more than 80% after 5 years, 180,000 miles easily

So, looking at 5 year total;

Total cost of Bolt [1800 days]:

Electricity: $5130

Tires: $2400

Car: $27,000

Total: $34,530

I feel like I should just make this an algebraic expression so I can wolframalpha yall a chart when it makes sense for Dominos to buy their own fleet vs paying milage