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RampantRooster t1_ixg998x wrote

It's gotten stupid, and I've seen the same amounts for delivery fees.

To be honest, I'd fully believe it's just greed and the store is pocketing most, if not all, of that five bucks. But I don't know for sure, obviously.

For what it's worth, I did also make minimum wage hourly. It wasn't that sort of situation where I got less hourly because tips. 7+ years ago, me making ~$16/hour after tips and before gas and vehicle maintenance was actually pretty decent for a college student where I lived. Those 8-9 hour weekend closing shifts where I'd go home with $130 in my pocket were pretty nice.


fartingwiffvengeance t1_ixgcxg0 wrote

oh yea... i used to wipe down cars for tips. I came home with more singles than a stripper.