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__The__Anomaly__ OP t1_iy4z2wz wrote

"Intel technology has created the world’s first real-time deepfake detection software to root out this most-sophisticated of impersonation technologies.

The software uses tiny changes in image pixelation related to the movement of blood through human veins to detect whether a recorded video is real or fake with 96% accuracy.

Called FakeCatcher, it’s the first program that can catch deepfakes in real time, as most other detection apps require uploading videos for analysis, then waiting hours for results. They tend to need large data sets for deep learning programs to pour over."


FuturologyBot t1_iy54bx4 wrote

The following submission statement was provided by /u/__The__Anomaly__:

"Intel technology has created the world’s first real-time deepfake detection software to root out this most-sophisticated of impersonation technologies.

The software uses tiny changes in image pixelation related to the movement of blood through human veins to detect whether a recorded video is real or fake with 96% accuracy.

Called FakeCatcher, it’s the first program that can catch deepfakes in real time, as most other detection apps require uploading videos for analysis, then waiting hours for results. They tend to need large data sets for deep learning programs to pour over."

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aside6 t1_iy54s8k wrote

Cool, so I guess this tool will be fed to deepfake AIs to make them more robust and more difficult to detect, continuing the endless chain of events that will lead us to the end of reliable information once and for all. Futurology indeed


maskedpaki t1_iy5jwv7 wrote

next there will be deepfake detector proof deepfakes

and then deepfake detector proof deepfake detectors.


herrkuchenbaecker t1_iy5ntfx wrote

are there even any deepfakes yet that would make something like this needed? I'm pretty sure I'm at a 100% deepfake detection at this point in time


genericrich t1_iy6g3rs wrote

Neal Stephenson has this idea in Anathem. The internet is so full of bots and fake spam that they have to invent a separate internet that was protected from it.


exodendritic t1_iy86pew wrote

Now that we've built a better moustrap, no way they'll ever build a better mouse.