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michigician t1_ixqihhd wrote

What are the inputs to produce synthetic meat? Soybeans? Wheat?

What will the implications be for regions where cattle production is the main economic activity?

Will synthetic meat be designed to be a healthy food using medical scientific research to maximize dietary benefits, or will the marketing of the product be used to maximize consumption and profit regardless of negative effects on consumers?


tim_b_er OP t1_ixqlt58 wrote

this is one of the most common misconceptions. Many assume that lab grown meat involves some sort of plant based input, the use of insects, or novel chemicals.

Here is how it actually works:

TLDR: cells are taken from a real animal, and put in a bioreactor tank (similar to brewing beer) with culture media to feed the cells and have them replicate in the same molecular chemical reactions that would occur within an animal.


michigician t1_ixrz0a2 wrote

Thanks. So to grow meat in cellular agriculture requires sugars of some kind?