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Shnast t1_iyhx7c0 wrote

This sounds a lot like the conspiracy theories from 2005. People warned us that the Government will seek to tax breathing itself. Carbon Tax is just another way of stealing money from individuals, it's big brother vs. the people.


Flaxinator t1_iyhzyu9 wrote

They're taxing the thing which is stopping us from breathing freely in order to reduce it and improve air quality, this is a good thing for the people of London who are suffering from air pollution


TwoInchTickler t1_iyi0ini wrote

I don’t know if you’ve ever had a chance to live in London with asthma; whilst this is very much a stick rather than a carrot move, all of our lungs will do substantially better for it.


busfeet t1_iyivb4y wrote

If you didn’t tax externalities what would you tax?


AbsoluteZeroUnit t1_iyj0b4n wrote

> People warned us that the Government will seek to tax breathing itself

But this is literally taxing the thing that makes breathing difficult.

Are you doing okay?