neekthefreak t1_iymb1eg wrote
nuke is an old technology, why invest in nukes when you may engineer a virus that target a specific group of people? look at what corona did without proven human improvement behind and now immagine that you could control targets
Advanced-Payment-358 t1_iyms7e7 wrote
Lol that's basically what orcs claimed was happening in Ukraine. "Murricans were developing a virus in Ukraine that kills only ruskies omg invade asap".
Glittering-Carpenter t1_iyniy1m wrote
You tie the virus to the vodka molecules
neekthefreak t1_iyou883 wrote
you do not need any special action to make a russian sick, you just need to contain his appetite for destruction before he drink his life away
Glittering-Carpenter t1_iynitlf wrote
Yes and with our current government, they wouldn’t even question where the virus came from
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