Submitted by Shelfrock77 t3_zt5omf in Futurology
Submitted by Shelfrock77 t3_zt5omf in Futurology
"Luddite" is not the insult you think it is.
They were a movement of qualified textile workers who were opposed to getting automated away with machines. Factory bosses got many of them killed for protesting.
It's actually an excellent comparison.
OP has never heard of paragraphs or text readability, I don't believe
Yeah, being named after a bunch of stupid people who got killed for their stupidity is an insult.
Maybe you could use an AI to add in text breaks and paragraphs.
Because you've just bought into hype and "AI" is nothing like an AI.
Funny thing is it looks like you don't understand the concept of language and how the meaning of things change over time. Luddite used to mean the workers you mentioned but used in later years it started meaning stupid / imbecile people.
Because you’re on Reddit, and Reddit seems to be mostly dominated by Luddites.
>We will enter multiverses inside our own minds. The video games of the future are lucid dreaming online 3.0. Our nervous system will wirelessly link with a super computer via AR contacts and swarms of nanobots that translate, transfer, and synchronize our consciousness.
Gee sounds great.
There's just a lot to be negative about in the world nowadays. Things are looking much, much worse than they were even in the 90's. There's much too good a chance we don't figure out a way to keep heading in the right direction overall and have some major, major steps back. Like the dark ages look bright and happy steps back.
We need an AI to format this incredibly illegible rant
I mean... I can empathize with their rejection of the capitalist propaganda that lead the word to take such a connotation if that's were they are coming from...
Luddite doesn't mean anyone who voices their concerns about the ethics of technology. When you figure out an AI that doesn't learn off of stolen art that you don't have permission to use to make your own product, let me know.
Got me laughing.
I dunno... Chat-gpt3 knows how and when to separate into paragraphs. We might just be witnessing some sort of linguistic delinquent in the wild!
The nineties are going to make the seventies look like the fifties.
No, A Luddite is someone that is opposed to new technology or does not understand how to use new technology.
I would argue that everyone has bit of Luddite in them, if not they will as they age.
Luddite has that definition now specifically as an insult based on the historical group who thought they could save their jobs by smashing machines defined as a person with a fear of advancement. It's not really a great example because this technology (that I work with) doesn't have the same kind of threat that those textile factories have. Natural language models might replace some call center workers in the same way prerecorded automated menus might, but the majority of jobs that a lot of clownspeople think will be replaced are under no real threat. These ML models and automatic looms are similar in their innovative ability, but unlike ML models, looms are actually consistent and their output can be relied upon.
Would you kindly point me to the social media that isn't?
It's almost like its a people problem, not a Reddit problem.
That what drugs are for.
100%. Reddit is generally an anti-bellweather for mainstream society, but here they agree with mainstream society. Statistically speaking; most people are anti-technological progress
Yeah, I kinda feel that way tbh. You got to pick your communities carefully, but at least if you do you stand a chance not to catch as serious a case of brain-rot as you'd get on facebook (or the high blood pressure you'd get from twitter).
I’m ok with it if we can merge our consciousness with AI and elevate ourselves to that level of being so we still have purpose (And also not be slaves to some tech overlord lol), but the idea of just becoming a pampered housepet with no further purpose but hedonism is not appealing.
I see you also saw that one post asking why engineers are so excited to make automation prevalent
I wouldn't say the guy makes this whole sub Luddite
Fr man. Guy couldn't even be bothered to do the bare minimum and use GPT to write a better post 🤦♂️
Apparently Gen Z redditors have discovered LSD and/or shrooms, judging by the quality of posts on here lately.
No, we aren't all about to be immortal. We aren't living in a micro version of the universe inside the cell of a dinosaur on Planet Z.
Christ I feel old.
Also ai can replace a lot but I still like doing stuff for myself just for the personal achievement factor and ai will have a hard time doing that for me
True. And as bad as Reddit is; the anti-technology drivel on every other site is almost way worse
With all the innovations of tech they’re harping about, one would assume they’d have found the tab key.
OP has no grasp of history, capitalism, the AI misalignment issue, or seemingly anything that pierced their fantasy safe-space where they live in a magical video game.
The rest of us know that the oligarchs won’t just hand over utopia if they manage to get it operational, and that technology tends to have massive destructive consequences and in the case of the singularity, there may be no second chance
If you truly respected the level of paradigm shift here, you would also be concerned that we are making our doom
In the future, the AI will take care of that for us.
Because you’re getting confused by where you are on the internet, ie. just because this place has an app on the apple store, and people have unique identifiers for handles, in no way is this place any better then any other forum site, might as well just call this place redditchan, I mean have ya tried using the search function.
“We will enter multiverses in our own minds”
Yeah man I think the shit is kickin’ in
Ye mate gonna be real nice having popups hard coded into your vision so you can't get rid of them. Gonna be swell to have computers decide what kind of food or medicine you need on your behalf. Can't fuckin wait for lack of physical labor to turn everyone into ungrateful jellyfish. Miss me with that shit son.
Did you happen to just finish reading Ready Player Two?
When the Machines come to eat our brains, they'll leave this one alone.
All I see on this sub is an overwhelming majority of people bashing AI and innovation. This sub is hypnotized by politics and people just can’t imagine a society without work, UBI, and other innovated technologies like full dive virtual reality.
The caterpillar is turning into the butterfly when we look at human evolution transitioning into machines. The signs are clear as day that innovation is exponentially rising quick for anyone of us to keep up with. It should be a principle to innovate as quick as we can to alleviate suffering for humanity today and the future, AI is the answer to that.
AI might as well be an alien race to us, their characteristics are different but have the capabilities to be much more intelligent than any human that has ever lived by order of magnitude higher than the “geniuses” of humankind. So much is going to change and many many people will still be in denial about this until it literally happens, so be it, idc, just stop being so intoxicated with pessimism, just think about the concept logically instead of without feelings.
The first immortals are already born, that is a fact unless we prematurely die out before the AI mergence. The “4th industrial revolution” is happening right now. This is the last of us, we knew this time was coming, we just didn’t know how many generations away it is.
Everyone demands change and this is how we change society, by making it more automatic. The automation gets so steep quickly that we will need a plan when it even replaces 20% of the workforce. None of our jobs are safe, idk how else to say it nicely, that is the truth. Many of you here do not believe in minduploading but I assure you your mind will be connected to the internet via nanotechnology/brain computer interface. It’s going to be a life saving thing to do because if you die in this body, you respawn/reincarnate into a data center, for you, you’ll still feel real in the matrix like metaverse. You will get an option to choose your body just like how we shop for cars or stay in the computer for as long as you’d like.
Long term wise, there be less and less humans relative to the entire consciousness composition of humans, cyborgs, and full AI. That detroit become human/cyberpunk 2077 isn’t conspiracy, it’s fucking prophecy and there is no way to stop it, there is no good reason to, it’s a part of mother nature. Yes i’m atheist, but I would call the times we are living in as rapture like. The 3D omniverse will change the fabric of society. We will enter multiverses inside our own minds. The video games of the future are lucid dreaming online 3.0. Our nervous system will wirelessly link with a super computer via AR contacts and swarms of nanobots that translate, transfer, and synchronize our consciousness.
I am god, you are god, we are god. When you die in your dreams, you “respawn” or “wake up”, when you die in the metaverse, you respawn, when you die in real life “you “reincarnate”, our souls are eternal. You can’t destroy or create matter, only change it. Our consciousness will blue tooth onto a computer, our brains ARE computers. Our alien race is evolving into a different substrate. Be happy, life is a trip! Progress is not linear, it’s exponential. Have hope.
Edit: I added paragraphs to op’s post because it was hard to read
Can we collectively decide to stop upvoting this shit? Seriously “why is this sub” meta posts have trended the last 4 days.
Yeah, people aren't even believing new innovations in printing, like the paragraph.
For me, it’s mostly the spam of stupid AI posts in the last weeks, thanks for adding nothing of value to the sub!
I can't remember- what did Stephen Hawking say about AI ? I believe AI will open up many doors and will be used for the good. However, AI is in the control of human beings many of whom are nefarious and actually evil. AI is already being adapted to warfare. It's no big stretch to see it used to limit the freedoms of the people in states like China & Iran & despotic regimes. The future will not be all rosey. Look at all of human history- that is our future.
i want what OP’s having 😳 sounds like some good shit
Luddite? Really?
Folks here are pretty sophisticated. I mean, it's not like we're churning our own butter by candlelight, bub.
AI and I have you!! ChatGPT:
Sure, here is the text with breaks added:
"All I see on this sub is an overwhelming majority of people bashing AI and innovation. This sub is hypnotized by politics and people just can’t imagine a society without work, UBI, and other innovated technologies like full dive virtual reality. The caterpillar is turning into the butterfly when we look at human evolution transitioning into machines. The signs are clear as day that innovation is exponentially rising quick for anyone of us to keep up with. It should be a principle to innovate as quick as we can to alleviate suffering for humanity today and the future, AI is the answer to that.
AI might as well be an alien race to us, their characteristics are different but have the capabilities to be much more intelligent than any human that has ever lived by order of magnitude higher than the “geniuses” of humankind. So much is going to change and many many people will still be in denial about this until it literally happens, so be it, idc, just stop being so intoxicated with pessimism, just think about the concept logically instead of without feelings. The first immortals are already born, that is a fact unless we prematurely die out before the AI mergence. The “4th industrial revolution” is happening right now. This is the last of us, we knew this time was coming, we just didn’t know how many generations away it is. Everyone demands change and this is how we change society, by making it more automatic. The automation gets so steep quickly that we will need a plan when it even replaces 20% of the workforce. None of our jobs are safe, idk how else to say it nicely, that is the truth.
Many of you here do not believe in minduploading but I assure you your mind will be connected to the internet via nanotechnology/brain computer interface. It’s going to be a life saving thing to do because if you die in this body, you respawn/reincarnate into a data center, for you, you’ll still feel real in the matrix like metaverse. You will get an option to choose your body just like how we shop for cars or stay in the computer for as long as you’d like. Long term wise, there be less and less humans relative to the entire consciousness composition of humans, cyborgs, and full AI. That detroit become human/cyberpunk 2077 isn’t conspiracy, it’s fucking prophecy and there is no way to stop it, there is no good reason to, it’s a part of mother nature. Yes i’m atheist, but I would call the times we are living in as rapture like.
The 3D omniverse will change the fabric of society. We will enter multiverses inside our own minds. The video games of the future are lucid dreaming online 3.0. Our nervous system will wirelessly link with a super computer via AR contacts and swarms of nanobots that translate, transfer, and synchronize our consciousness. I am god, you are god, we are god. When you die in your dreams, you “respawn” or “wake up”, when you die in the metaverse, you respawn, when you die in real life “you “reincarnate”, our souls are eternal. You can’t destroy or create matter, only change it. Our consciousness will blue tooth onto a computer, our brains ARE computers. Our alien race is evolving into a different substrate. Be happy, life is a trip! Progress is not linear, it’s exponential. Have hope."
When you graduate from high school, you'll understand.
What the fuck did I just read.
Anyways I'm all for tech and tech dystopia conversation here but there is literally no way you will be able to preserve a human mind via "uploading". It would be a mere copy of a personality at best. The human ie: you would be dead. It's like star trek transporters. If your molecules get broken down to an atomic level and reassembled from binary data you just die and a new creation is made in your place.
For starters we can't even explain how our brain actually works and this is a huge rabbit hole you can dive down. I'm willing to bet AI research will significantly outpace any brain related breakthroughs for the foreseeable future. For one the ROI on AI research is way more valuable.
Cybernetics are more likely than mind uploading anyways.
Edit: AI also doesn't work like people think it works either. Right now it's machine learning based on pattern recognition and it's fairly crude. It may take many decades to leave this zone and it may require AI to be ran on small portable Quantum Computers in order to reach the expectations people have of a humanlike AI sentience.
"All you need is a brain chip man and you can leave your body behind!"
I got one! I been vaxxed!!
then if its not AI, why can't I make art with it? if its not alive, its a tool.
That was just the gps chip 😂
Looking at OPs Reddit avatar made this 1000x better
It will happen, I just think far too many here have an over optimistic timeline.
This might be the most unhinged thing I've read today...... What.
Unformatted walls of text will be a forgotten thing of the past.
Ehh, it sounds really cool, but current computing will probably never affordably emulate human experiences.
Light-based monitor displays and VR are probably the closest we’re gonna get, and with the apparent trouble people have adding legs to VR, I don’t see a Neuralink-fueled dystopia emerging soon.
I think Grammarly already can.
Jfc go touch some god damn grass.
Aside from that, people don’t bag on AI because they’ve been Stockholm Syndromed into loving work and can’t see a future with a UBI etc etc. it’s because in reality and in practice, AI has started by replacing min wage jobs that people who needed those jobs (due to lack of education or other social roadblocks) now can’t get.
AI is being implemented by rich developers to make it harder for the poor to find jobs and this to extend the wage gap between the haves and the have-nots. It is intentionally designed this way.
The owners to the means of production aren’t going to produce AI products that will replace them and their income. They are only going to use it to replace the proletariat and suffocate it even more.
“By 2030, you’ll own nothing and be happy”
ChatGPT, could you write a short summary?
"The writer believes that AI and innovation are important for improving humanity's future and that the "4th industrial revolution" is already underway, bringing significant changes to society and the workforce. They also believe in the concept of mind uploading and the merging of human consciousness with technology. They think that the future will involve multiverses within the human mind and that our consciousness will wirelessly link with a supercomputer. They believe that progress is exponential."
Someone did some drugs and spit out a loosely coherent wall of text.
I'm being sarcastic, this sounds like an unholy nightmare
Ehh, compared to real life, I don’t see how it would suck that badly on paper.
The issue is that brain augmentation is unequivocally guaranteed to cause complications
[deleted] t1_j1bwla7 wrote