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phoolean t1_j21endi wrote

I feel the same way. Nothing major ever changes without upheaval and a good deal of chaos, and there will be major changes in the next couple decades from all of this.

Not specifically because of AI, I've gradually learned a gajillion different skillsets across all different areas so I can fit into whatever region, economy, or situation I end up in. I think cultivating flexibility like that will be important for keeping one's head above water when things start getting weird. Learn to do a lot of different things so you're not completely unemployable when your field suddenly drops out of existence... and then the next field, and the next field.

Not to go "tinfoil hat" as you said, but I don't believe it will be a smooth process when this all happens, and I don't believe the problems that come with it will be solved quickly. There's no chance in hell the rich and powerful are going to go, "Oh, I guess the system I got rich on should be allowed to go away now." There is no way politicians are going to come around to letting people live comfortably without jobs. So the mass unemployment is going to be a total disaster for years and years, most likely. I'm not saying it's going to be armageddon or anything, but I am convinced it's going to be a mess.

One thing I still can't think of an answer to is what I should do with my savings. I already didn't trust stocks, but now I really don't. Simply letting the money sit there in my account doesn't help either, since it's worth less over time. But if stuff gets as messy as I expect it to, is there any safe investment at all? Probably not.


Michelle_In_Space t1_j22edo1 wrote

I think there will ne hiccups as we transition from a world where you need to work to live as well. Hopefully my family copes with the transition as it happens.

I am in engineering and one of my most valuable traits is being able to solve problems that I am given and I think it will be a valuable skill even when we transition to a post scarcity world.

As for investing I found out that me fiddling with my portfolio wasn't a good idea the hard way and now I just put the money that I invest for the future into the total US market. I will almost certainly have at least a small stake on the companies that control the AGI so I am not really worried about resources when AGI comes around. I am working on becoming completely debt free and plan on being so within the next 10 years. I will continue to invest in my future by being a lifelong learner always looking on improving my skills.


CyberneticSaturn t1_j22r0d7 wrote

Real estate. If it’s to the point where you can’t preserve wealth via land ownership then it’s to the point your money is worthless anyway.


CaveDances t1_j23tqoz wrote

The state has a vested interest in making sure your family doesn’t inherit your land. To have it sell every few years on high mortgages is way more profitable to the city than collecting tax yearly as they and the realtors take huge fees every time the property flips.


Misha326 t1_j21forl wrote

gold & silver still good investments


fox-mcleod t1_j21j7jf wrote


They aren’t inherently valuable and certainly will be less valuable to the few who will make the most from AI.

If anything, the tech stocks that will gain money from AI are the only things guaranteed to gain value as other things fall when AI takes over.