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QuietOil9491 t1_j21k6hl wrote

“Prompt-Engineering” as a job has a shelf-life shorter than desert gas station sushi on a hot day.

If the arts, which were widely believed to be safer than most jobs, is currently being deprecated by AI, the human input element of that equation will last only as long as it takes the developers to refine the front-end interface


gaudiocomplex OP t1_j21mlxu wrote

Can't say that sort of powerlessness will sit well with me for however long it takes. I would rather be under the impression I'm at the very least making progress toward some goal in the interim.

Edit: why the downvotes? Lmao I'm talking about my personal experience here


QuietOil9491 t1_j21p8ft wrote

Yes, make progress towards a goal!

That has nothing to do with the longevity of prompt-diddling as an enterprise…