nbearableus t1_izaeqdy wrote
Doing that would totally negate bitcoins purpose, at that point you'd use dlt and save all the energy.
IsThereAnythingLeft- t1_izax6q1 wrote
Purpose lol Bitcoin doesn’t have a purpose
nbearableus t1_izbamrq wrote
Bitcoins purpose is to send value via blockchain, across the Internet, without central control
POS essentially centralises it to a number of large holders.
Like it or not, blockchain is here to stay and will be the fulcrum of the new monetary system ie. CBDCs
IsThereAnythingLeft- t1_izbfvuw wrote
It was supposed to be a peer to peer payment system, it has openly failed at that and most admit it. 5 tps isn’t a global payment system. The large holders of PoS networks is no different than large mining pools for PoW
nbearableus t1_izbisyx wrote
So it has a purpose. It absolutely has failed, now treated as speculative asset.
Yes there is essentially no difference except I can mine but I don't have enough eth to be of use in pos.
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