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imjerry t1_j1obf4k wrote

We're just on a slower timeline than For All Mankind.

Also more commercial. Also we may have missed the opportunity they had to develop clean energy and will suffer the climate consequences.


YawnTractor_1756 t1_j1ojnh6 wrote

>we may have missed the opportunity they had to develop clean energy

Sorry I might have missed the news, but what exactly was that opportunity, and when exactly did we miss it?


InternationalPen2072 t1_j1otbqo wrote

In For All Mankind, fusion was developed in the 90s and emissions dropped almost immediately. We are still burning fossil fuels and are at least decades from fusion power. We are already seeing climate catastrophe unravel.


YawnTractor_1756 t1_j1otrfm wrote

Ah, gotcha thanks.

(That's a funny timeline for sure. Even if we invented practical fusion reactor design literally tomorrow it would take decades to ramp-up power plants and phase out fossil-burning)


InternationalPen2072 t1_j1p6z7i wrote

Yes, for sure. I don’t think it’s very realistic in that regard, but in most other ways it seemed very realistic in my (unqualified) opinion. Especially the Lunar conflicts.