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[deleted] t1_izsy4qg wrote

I mean if it was properly maintained we wouldn’t have electricity problems.

Now imagine the design flaws of this battery centre. We’re causing new problems when we could just fix existing problems


KiLL3RmOtH t1_izt0jud wrote

Koeberg? It's been the most reliable powerstaion we have and has reached end of life. And now needs an extention.

Just stop, you don't know what you are talking about.

It's ironic that you name the three powerstaions in our whole grid that don't have maintenance issues. (other issues yes)

You don't understand the scale of a power station. Madupi is the 4764 MW making it one of the largest coal stations in the world. It is also the largest dry cooled power station in the world making even more complex. Its difficult to get right even with no corruption.

This storage mentioned in the article is only 8MW. Comparably much simpler.

We need maintenance on our plants yes, but its too late for most. We need large base load capacity. More power stations coal, gas, nuclear, solar, hidro, wind everthing we can find. We need large scale stograge GW not MW, to remove dependance on diesel for peaking.

Most of the power stations in the fleet (not the ones you mentioned) will be end of life soon. All the maintenance in the world won't change that.